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It's true what they say about Ottawa at night

Bull Goose

TPF Noob!
Feb 20, 2008
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It's dead. But I think it looks pretty nice.

(and part of Hull, which is not dead.)




Comments appreciated.
Great pics... as an occasional visitor to Ottawa.. these really impressed me
Great captures. Ottawa really is a gorgeous city! The shot of Parliament is great!
I especially like that first shot - I've always loved that particular view of the Parliament buildings, but the last two times I was there they had scaffolding all over it
Thanks for the replies everyone.

Yeah, I'm glad they finally got the scaffolding off the library, it's much more photogenic without it, heh.
what exactly do they say about ottawa at night? i like the steam shooting up. kind of like dancers.
(They say it's dead. Or that they roll up the sidewalks at 10 pm....something like that)
(They say it's dead. Or that they roll up the sidewalks at 10 pm....something like that)

oh yeah, i've said that. my brother his girlfriend and i were at a pub till about 2 one night. we COULD have driven home cause there was NOone on the streets. it was the fastest cab home i've ever been in. acctually, it remindes me a bit of home (Bracebridge)
Well I'm glad you like the pictures, but what do you mean cold? When I took these it was at least 1 degree Celsius. That's balmy. My fingers only went numb after several minutes!

All kidding aside, you're right, it's friggin' cold here in the winter. Unfortunately I didn't consider mean winter temperatures when picking a university.
So this is what the city that the Penguins are going to move on in the playoffs on Wednesday night looks like.....


Just kidding. I'd rather Ottaway win one game so we can win and move on with a home game.....


Nice pics. Ottawa looks to be a very beautiful city.

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