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Issue with black marks and mushy negatives at the end of the roll. I'm stumped!

I'll start doing that. I don't know how this is even possible really but I'm assuming that dumping brand new unexpired developer into clean glass bottles must have contaminated the developer. Maybe the rinse I did beforehand didn't remove whatever weird chemicals were in the glass bottles straight from the factory in China. That or somehow my reels/tanks are causing issues? It doesn't happen on every single roll so I'm starting to think somehow I have a faulty reel or perhaps more. Is it overkill to just say screw it and buy 2 new tanks and 4 new reels AND a new bottle of HC-110? If it turns out the developer isn't the problem, I'll end up using all of it anyway so it wouldn't be a waste. I just don't wanna swap out one thing at a time and waste time and money shooting test rolls or ruining more negatives.
I do not think it's the reels/tank. It could be just that left over stop bath that was not rinsed off before fixer.
I'll start doing that. I don't know how this is even possible really but I'm assuming that dumping brand new unexpired developer into clean glass bottles must have contaminated the developer. That or somehow my reels/tanks are causing issues? It doesn't happen on every single roll so I'm starting to think somehow I have a faulty reel or perhaps more. Is it overkill to just say screw it and buy 2 new tanks and 4 new reels AND a new bottle of HC-110? If it turns out the developer isn't the problem, I'll end up using all of it anyway so it wouldn't be a waste. I just don't wanna swap out one thing at a time and waste time and money shooting test rolls or ruining more negatives.
I do not think it's the reels/tank. It could be just that left over stop bath that was not rinsed off before fixer.
Well the thing is, I’ve never rinsed between stopping and fixing before and this just started happening after 5 years
I just don't wanna swap out one thing at a time and waste time and money shooting test rolls or ruining more negatives.
Ouch!! The best way to pinpoint the problem is to change one variable at a time.
Got new tanks/reels/developer and the problem is gone. I’m thinking the developer was contaminated by those glass bottles from China. Live and learn.
G'day mate

Well done for taking the time to double-check things. Time will tell whether it is fully covered or not !
There was a time when it would have been interesting to know the cause of the problem!
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