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Is this appealing at all?


TPF Noob!
Feb 1, 2009
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Shot this after a long day of climbing and was hoping to convey that feeling in the shot but I can't seem to like the composition. I tried various angles and hand positions but this was the best I could seem to get.

If someone has never climbed they don't know what they are looking at. Even then the image doesn't convey climbing. Anything short of depicting exposure, can't.
i agree, but still find it strangly interesting. however, i'd like to see (on either side of the hand) the complete rope in the picture as well.
If someone has never climbed they don't know what they are looking at. Even then the image doesn't convey climbing. Anything short of depicting exposure, can't.

Yeah but if you put climbing into the title it can work. Me I like the shot.

Hmmm...the interesting thing I see in this image...often I will scroll and resize my browser window to crop a posted image...I see this interesting thing with the fingers and rope almost becoming one. I don't care for the almost square crop you have. The wrist seems unecessary.

Here's what I see:


What do you think?

I'd like to see you explore the relationship between the fingers and rope some more. I think you could come up with some cool images. I think the image conveys a sense of hard work, strength and endurance, even if it doesn't scream "climbing".
I'd like to see you explore the relationship between the fingers and rope some more. I think you could come up with some cool images. I think the image conveys a sense of hard work, strength and endurance, even if it doesn't scream "climbing".
Thanks bitter. I played with the crop but never dropped that low. I kept feeling like I was cutting off the hand if I got down far enough to crop out my Yeti like furry arms. I wasn't so much looking to scream climbing but to emphasize the work associated with climbing as the source so I guess in that sense it was successful.

In reference to getting the whole rope in the shot unfortunately that would have put a beat up fridge and a cutting board in the background which would have spoiled it. I'm hoping to shoot a sequence of exposures of climbing hands on location where I can throw the blurred crags or more climbing equipment in the background.
gotcha. i didnt think about it with only seeing the initial version, but after seeing the crop it does look a lot better.

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