Is it worth trying to sell a Kodak 4400 slide projector?


TPF Noob!
Jan 4, 2021
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I have a Kodak 4400 slide projector with a spare bulb and wired remote - in excellent working condition. I also have half a dozen carousels.
I have been thinking of listing my equipment on Ebay, but unsure as to whether it's worth the trouble of boxing it all up, and lugging it to the post office or UPS.
I could simply put it out with the junk, hoping that someone would come along and pick it up.
I also have a screen, which I am going to put out with the junk. It's not the sort of thing that ships easily.

Your opinion would be appreciated.
Surprisingly, there is still a market for them.

Quite a few have been sold on eBay. Shipping cost seems to run around $50.

If you don't want to ship, you can try listing it as "local pickup only" (depending on where you live)
I know some people are pulling the lens out of them and adapting them to mirrorless
Interesting, I have one in the closet collecting dust.
Depends on whether it is worth your time. I am sure whoever buys it will appreciate the ability to view slides again. I suspect there are folks that run across old family slides, cannot view them and don't want to get them digitized. They're counting on you!
Last one I sold on Ebay (1 year ago) was complete with original box and sold for $68 plus $45 shipping (if I remember the actual shipping cost was around $35).
Thanks for your help;
I believe I have a suitable box for the 4400, which is in its original box. I would like to sell all of the carousels in the same auction.
I think I have a suitable box(es) to ship. I'll do my homework in checking shipping cost and compare to other sales to set a price. I believe Ebay has an option where buyer pays actual shipping cost, rather than setting a fixed amount.
And there are those like me, who have a primary projector, and several spare projectors.
The problem is, repair and shipping cost is so high, that it is cheaper to just switch to a spare projector than send it in for repair.

One of these days, I "might" get around to digitizing the slides.

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