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Is it okay to specialize in unrelated things?


No longer a newbie, moving up!
Jun 12, 2011
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So I want to get into commercial and product photography. But I also have a passion for shooting concerts and fights. Three completely unrelated things but they were my interests prior to photography (I've always been interested in industrial design, I like music, and I like fighting). I'm thinking about possibly trying to get into the business this year. Is it weird to have such differing specializations?
I don't think so.
We all have varying interests ... and they may not (to others) appear to be similar ... but in some ways they are.
In your case, they all have to do with photography.
So I want to get into commercial and product photography. But I also have a passion for shooting concerts and fights. Three completely unrelated things but they were my interests prior to photography (I've always been interested in industrial design, I like music, and I like fighting). I'm thinking about possibly trying to get into the business this year. Is it weird to have such differing specializations?

It's not weird to specialize in different things...

But it is weird to title your post: "Is it okay to specialize in unrelated things?"

And then propose the question: "Is it weird to have such different specializations?"

You have to ask if it's acceptable, or strange... Not both. :lmao:
If yiou are doing different things is it really specialized? Sounds more like it would be generalized. Or varied. lol
Sure! Why not? I shoot portraits and weddings. Completely separate from that I shoot sports. Totally unrelated things!
If yiou are doing different things is it really specialized? Sounds more like it would be generalized. Or varied. lol

No, not like and everything in between. Like those specific three things. I've been boxing and doing Muay Thai for just over three years now and I've been shooting local events a lot. I know a few musicians from high school and college and have done extensive work documenting their studio recording process as well as them on stage. And recently I've been working on products and studio lighting (since I didn't have access to a model all that often) so I've gotten pretty proficient at product photography. Everything else... not that good at. Even when it comes to sports, I've only really shot boxing, Thai fightings, and jiu-jitsu/judo, I have yet to shoot an MMA event but that's my goal for this year.

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