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Is ir worth to become a photographer?


TPF Noob!
May 1, 2017
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Hi, everybody!

Here is the link of my gallery

All the pictures are made from phone

It's important for me your opinion

Do I have a talant? Or these are onli nice pics for Instagram?

Morskaja87's DeviantArt Gallery

Thanks a lot!:)

I don't know if you intend to become a professional, but at least half your photos show me that you do have talent. Becoming a professional involves more than just getting the photograph, but in my opinion talent is mandatory.

I don't know if you intend to become a professional, but at least half your photos show me that you do have talent. Becoming a professional involves more than just getting the photograph, but in my opinion talent is mandatory.

Tnank you!
Having an 'eye' and some talent is certainly helpful, but being a professional photographer is about lots more than that.
Using a cell phone camera accords you little control over the wide variety of the artistic possibilities of doing photography with an interchangable lens camera that allows you to control the exposure triad - shutter speed, lens aperture, and ISO.

There are many genres of photography.
Retail & commercial photography still offer a chance for a photographer to make a living from doing photography.

For many people the definition of professional is to be an expert.
For many others the definition of professional is being paid to do photography, regardless of expertise.
In fact, there are many mediocre, certainly not expert, photographers that make a decent living doing photography. They are able to make a living because they are skilled at doing business.
In fact, there are many very talented, expert photographers in the world that are unable to make a living doing photography, because they suck at doing business.
First off, Welcome.

You have an eye for subject and composition in many of your shots. Your question about talent could mean several things though. Yes, you show good signs of being artistic. A good eye as they say in photography.

What would you like to do with photography? Keep taking pictures as you do now? Or move into regular camera gear? This is a good site to learn with. And if people don't know the answer, they can probably point you in the right direction so you can learn.

I visited Latvia many years ago. I wanted to see more but was there for work. Hate it when works gets in the way of photography or other hobbies. :345:
Hello and welcome. I believe " well seen" is the appropriate photography response. It takes a long time to develop a skill set that will allow you to be consistent in what you produce. Then there are the "rabbit holes" of technical expertise in the post exposure half of imaging-- film or digital. To echo above, a little talent and a good line of b.s. gets you a lot further than a lot of talent. Or, it did when I began and I haven't noticed a great change in human nature since then. Good luck.

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Hi, everybody!

Here is the link of my gallery

All the pictures are made from phone

It's important for me your opinion

Do I have a talant? Or these are onli nice pics for Instagram?

Morskaja87's DeviantArt Gallery

Thanks a lot!:)

I am fairly new to this website and forum so I am now seeing your photos. They are very good. You have the Photographer's eye. Excellent photos.
If you are ready to be 90% businessman and 10% photographer you can be a professional. Otherwise shoot for fun and take up another business to make ends meet
Very nice pictures! I think you have talent of course. It just takes desire and to be yourself.
Hello and welcome, the only sure way of making any money out of photography is to sell all your gear.......:)
Two year old post, folks, and OP hasn't been back.

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