Sounds like this job is going nowhere fast, but I think you need to get informed. At least you know you want a change, it's a matter of what. Use whatever resources are available to you now - if you end up moving or going to school elsewhere, fine. But find out what jobs/careers are hiring, what can you realistically do with a doctorate in astro-physic whatever it is, or if there's anything else along the same lines you might like.
Anything you're considering - go check it out. In person. My youngest brother intended to go way out of state to go back to school. Went there. Hated it. Went out west to another place he though he'd like. Hated it. lol Got in some traveling but that was about it, wasn't at all like he thought it would be. Go out there on a trip/vacation before you up and move and don't burn bridges.
You know the saying the grass looks greener on the other side... well, yeah, sometimes. Something might seem great, maybe because what you're doing now isn't fulfilling. It probably would be good to consider a number of possibilities til you figure out what it is that will make you happy and what realistically will be workable.