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Is a Career Change Possible?

Astronomy majors that were struggling with the astronomy math opted for their fall back goal of becoming nuclear physicists.

That was their fallback career?

Exactly how difficult is astronomical math that nuclear physics is considered the easier option? lol
Astronomy majors that were struggling with the astronomy math opted for their fall back goal of becoming nuclear physicists.

That was their fallback career?

Exactly how difficult is astronomical math that nuclear physics is considered the easier option? lol
I don't know
But in undergrad I had 4 terms calculus and I couldn't understand squat from my astrophysics major undergrad roommates math.

Granted that was 30 years ago.
It's probably harder now.
Astronomy majors that were struggling with the astronomy math opted for their fall back goal of becoming nuclear physicists.

That was their fallback career?

Exactly how difficult is astronomical math that nuclear physics is considered the easier option? lol
I don't know
But in undergrad I had 4 terms calculus and I couldn't understand squat from my astrophysics major undergrad roommates math.

Granted that was 30 years ago.
It's probably harder now.
And I thought Organic Chem was hard ...
Astronomy majors that were struggling with the astronomy math opted for their fall back goal of becoming nuclear physicists.

That was their fallback career?

Exactly how difficult is astronomical math that nuclear physics is considered the easier option? lol
I don't know
But in undergrad I had 4 terms calculus and I couldn't understand squat from my astrophysics major undergrad roommates math.

Granted that was 30 years ago.
It's probably harder now.
And I thought Organic Chem was hard ...
I liked Organic Chemistry... our professor was a really, really good teacher.

Until he started to go through a bitter divorce and turned into an ass.
People told me back when I was 23 that it was too late for me to change and get a new career and that I should just climb the ladder and get into retail management in the retail job that I hated and made me hate myself for being there. Problem was, I believed them for several years. (Yes 23! I look back and think of how ridiculous that is that I listened to any of them.) Later, something in me clicked, and I decided to go back to school anyways. I spent a decade in retail turning down management offers, and listening to nay sayers tell me that I would just end up continuing to work there even after I graduate; that I was wasting my time. I walked away, and now I am five months from graduating. I do a lot of freelance work on the side which has really helped get my foot in the door. Or maybe just my big toe, but it's in there!

The fact that your wife is supportive of you is great, because I feel like I would have struggled a lot more if I didn't have a strong support system from the people closest in my life. There is a chance that people will tell you no way but I suggest you dismiss it. Go for it. You should do what you want to do in this life. It is too short for any other kind of nonsense.
You're too late. They found it ==> Biggest Galaxy Cluster in Early Universe Found

It used to be you joined a company for your career. You got a pension when you retired (in your 50's) and all was well.

Nowadays you'll be lucky to retire when you are 70. And then you'll have to work at Walmart and be a greeter just to make ends meet.

So I say, go for it. Career changes are always good.
You're too late. They found it ==> Biggest Galaxy Cluster in Early Universe Found

It used to be you joined a company for your career. You got a pension when you retired (in your 50's) and all was well.

Nowadays you'll be lucky to retire when you are 70. And then you'll have to work at Walmart and be a greeter just to make ends meet.

So I say, go for it. Career changes are always good.
Darn, haha! Retirement, what's that?

Right now, I'm looking over my old calculus and physics books to see how well I'd do going back to do some prerequisite classes for a physics degree. A lot of it's coming back to me, so that's good. Even though I'm young, it's hard to believe that the books I have are 12 years old. :aiwebs_016:
You're too late. They found it ==> Biggest Galaxy Cluster in Early Universe Found

It used to be you joined a company for your career. You got a pension when you retired (in your 50's) and all was well.

Nowadays you'll be lucky to retire when you are 70. And then you'll have to work at Walmart and be a greeter just to make ends meet.

So I say, go for it. Career changes are always good.
Darn, haha! Retirement, what's that?

Right now, I'm looking over my old calculus and physics books to see how well I'd do going back to do some prerequisite classes for a physics degree. A lot of it's coming back to me, so that's good. Even though I'm young, it's hard to believe that the books I have are 12 years old. :aiwebs_016:
LOL ... Mary Lou earned her degree in Communications a few years ago, later in her life. I was helping her out and in her Communications and the Law class, there were cases and people cited that I used to work with or participated At the cited event. It was all pretty entertaining ... "I know him, he worked for the San Jose Mercury, we were at Diablo Canyon." ... Yeah, I remember Ronny, he was a paparazzi ... A real a-hole."

I was thinking that if you're gonna make a career change ... Go for the whole enchilada ... Move out west. What you lose in housing, (out here the same money gets you a lot less house), will be more than covered by an overall and general improvement in quality of life.
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LOL ... Mary Lou earned her degree in Communications a few years ago, later in her life. I was helping her out and in her Communications and the Law class, there were cases and people cited that I used to work with or participated At the cited event. It was all pretty entertaining ... "I know him, he worked for the San Jose Mercury, we were at Diablo Canyon." ... Yeah, I remember Ronny, he was a paparazzi ... A real a-hole."

I was thinking that if you're gonna make a career change ... Go for the whole enchilada ... Move out west. What you lose in housing, (out here the same money gets you a lot less house), will be more than covered by an overall and general improvement in quality of life.
Haha, that's funny. It's neat (and kinda weird) seeing people you know in documents like that! Very cool!

Don't tempt me! ;) I think I was born in the wrong place, as I really want to live on the West Coast. My wife and I have seriously discussed moving, and I will often bring up CA. We both have close-knit families; however, I'm more willing to 'stretch-the-yarn', so to speak, than my wife. She'd definitely get a little lonely being so far from her family in NYC, and she wouldn't want to miss any big events. As long as we'd make sure to fly back for big events, I'm sure she'd be fine.

Speaking of whole enchilada, that's definitely what I want to do. My wife is fairly certain she'd be able to find a job in any larger metropolitan area, so that's pretty good. I haven't even thought about universities, yet. That part scares me. But, the whole enchilada... I want to avoid baby steps to a degree. In other words, I don't want to try to migrate to another career using my current education. That is, side-step until I change careers; I don't personally think that's a realistic goal*. I want to migrate to another career by utilizing my education/background a stepping stone for another (preferably advanced) degree.

*Based on experience with my current company and discussions with friends in similar situations, it's nearly impossible to change tracks and/or disciplines. I've tried several times to no avail, despite the fact that my request was in line with (1) my current education/training/experience and (2) where our department wants to head. I'm 'too useful' in my current track to be utilized elsewhere.
Sounds like this job is going nowhere fast, but I think you need to get informed. At least you know you want a change, it's a matter of what. Use whatever resources are available to you now - if you end up moving or going to school elsewhere, fine. But find out what jobs/careers are hiring, what can you realistically do with a doctorate in astro-physic whatever it is, or if there's anything else along the same lines you might like.

Anything you're considering - go check it out. In person. My youngest brother intended to go way out of state to go back to school. Went there. Hated it. Went out west to another place he though he'd like. Hated it. lol Got in some traveling but that was about it, wasn't at all like he thought it would be. Go out there on a trip/vacation before you up and move and don't burn bridges.

You know the saying the grass looks greener on the other side... well, yeah, sometimes. Something might seem great, maybe because what you're doing now isn't fulfilling. It probably would be good to consider a number of possibilities til you figure out what it is that will make you happy and what realistically will be workable.
You know the saying the grass looks greener on the other side... well, yeah, sometimes. Something might seem great, maybe because what you're doing now isn't fulfilling. It probably would be good to consider a number of possibilities til you figure out what it is that will make you happy and what realistically will be workable.
Yesterday the grass looked greener. Then a blizzard hit and it's all white now.
So, be careful in lawns or life.
And by the way, whaddya mean Pluto isn't a planet?? Quit messin' with my head! lol Actually I've read that before but choose to ignore it because Pluto was a planet, it's staying a planet.
Annnndddd my lawn is green. It was green yesterday. It is green today ... Dollars to doughnuts it will be green tomorrow.
Sounds like this job is going nowhere fast, but I think you need to get informed. At least you know you want a change, it's a matter of what. Use whatever resources are available to you now - if you end up moving or going to school elsewhere, fine. But find out what jobs/careers are hiring, what can you realistically do with a doctorate in astro-physic whatever it is, or if there's anything else along the same lines you might like.

Anything you're considering - go check it out. In person. My youngest brother intended to go way out of state to go back to school. Went there. Hated it. Went out west to another place he though he'd like. Hated it. lol Got in some traveling but that was about it, wasn't at all like he thought it would be. Go out there on a trip/vacation before you up and move and don't burn bridges.

You know the saying the grass looks greener on the other side... well, yeah, sometimes. Something might seem great, maybe because what you're doing now isn't fulfilling. It probably would be good to consider a number of possibilities til you figure out what it is that will make you happy and what realistically will be workable.
Thanks Sharon! Yes, I need to find what the job outlook would be. The gov't says that the job outlook is steady, but who knows how that would change in say 5-8 years. Definitely, I'm the kind of person what would want to check it out before moving. We've moved a bit in the past, and I've definitely learned how crucial it is to actually see a location, and learn about it, before moving.

And by the way, whaddya mean Pluto isn't a planet?? Quit messin' with my head! lol Actually I've read that before but choose to ignore it because Pluto was a planet, it's staying a planet.

Pluto is a Planet in my books.
NO! :icon_sunny:

You know the saying the grass looks greener on the other side... well, yeah, sometimes. Something might seem great, maybe because what you're doing now isn't fulfilling. It probably would be good to consider a number of possibilities til you figure out what it is that will make you happy and what realistically will be workable.
Yesterday the grass looked greener. Then a blizzard hit and it's all white now.
So, be careful in lawns or life.
Annnndddd my lawn is green. It was green yesterday. It is green today ... Dollars to doughnuts it will be green tomorrow.
My lawn is supposed to be somewhat white later today. We'll see how this change in grass color will affect my path forward. ;)

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