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im amazed

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TPF Noob!
Aug 19, 2007
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im amazed just checke my 'weddings and post processing' post and its been closed.

what happened to free speech on the internet.

i truly am stunned.
Well simply put, this is not the "Internet" to say, this is a forum with rules and regulations... One can say anything they want on a blog, but not in here... Here, you have to be nice, or your threads will become locked...

( as i have recently learned. :))
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but i didnt say anything horrible, i was jst having a disscussion.

if people were offended [god knows why] surely they could just not participate and then i would be talking to myself and offending no one.

i have seen so much worse on here and thats real nastiness but i suppose if the poster is buddies with the mods its ok.

bet this gets closed now ha ha :greenpbl:
Im not sure Jols, that last post of yours was a little bit of an "eggin on" if you will....:er:
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do you really think so,??

there are a lot of americans on this site and they are very sensitive if they think that was 'egging on'

some peeps should lighen up a bit.

im gona read it again now and see if i can see what you mean
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ok just re read and i think the same i really dont see the prob.

maybe i have a thicker skin than some
stop whining

Is that too much to ask?
I wouldn't worry about it jols, and definately don't take it to heart. I'm guessing it was due to things getting a bit off topic, nothing more.
haven't seen that thread, but if a thread is closed, it sometimes is not closed because of the original post, but because of some of the comments.

haven't seen it though.
im amazed just checke my 'weddings and post processing' post and its been closed.

what happened to free speech on the internet.

i truly am stunned.

ok first of all this is a privately owned forum... I'M amazed at the amount of people that think they can do and say anything they wish just because its 'the internet'.

i have seen so much worse on here and thats real nastiness but i suppose if the poster is buddies with the mods its ok.


and what about...

i would nt mind earning 5000 a week and then take 2000 out for tax expenses ect.

thats a lot of money.

anyway i think this thread is done

ummm... didnt you ask for it?

bet this gets closed now ha ha


... and you'll recieve a pm shortly.
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