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i got the flu

you mean

You're not a bird, are you?

Please people, watch the sky for sneezing sparrows.
welcome to the club ... just recovered (well, almost)
kalmkidd, how old are you?
I have not yet had the flu shot and have found that I have been free of flu without it. My family had the flu shot one year and had cold and flu-like symptoms all winter.

I have not yet had the flu shot and have found that I have been free of flu without it. My family had the flu shot one year and had cold and flu-like symptoms all winter.


flu shots do not work all the time. and they do not really help against the millions of variations of colds.

I never had any flu shot in my life. At least not that I can remember. And most winters I escape without a serious flu :)
(with this year as a sort of exception)
I hope you feel better soon!

We have been in the ER for a total of 9 hours (3 one night, 6 the next day) with my two year old the last two days. Turns out she has bronchiolitis. Do not confuse it with bronchitis. They are different. For adults, it would just be like having a cold. For young children.. its very severe. It affects their breathing.

I hope you feel better soon!

We have been in the ER for a total of 9 hours (3 one night, 6 the next day) with my two year old the last two days. Turns out she has bronchiolitis. Do not confuse it with bronchitis. They are different. For adults, it would just be like having a cold. For young children.. its very severe. It affects their breathing.


Not a good place to be and it often takes 2 trips to the ER to sort out what is wrong. Hope your two year old is getting better.

Then why haven't you filled that option in on your profile? :mrgreen:

Age is just a number. I'm friends with 16-65 year olds. It makes no difference to who they are.
I think its important to know age, don't you?

Seriously speaking, no.

I had some very serious and intelligent "conversations" with people on this forum who were half my age, and some who were more than double my age.
If at all, I judge people by what they write and how they write, and not by their date of birth written in their passport.

From time to time there are some very creative youngsters on this forum who appear to understand a lot about photography, much more than I did at their age.

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