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I am so totally at the wrong place.....


TPF Noob!
Dec 14, 2004
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Can others edit my Photos
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I spend HOURS on my photos............forever......
And when I post them, (except for the wedding forum), I hear nothing at all, or if I'm lucky, I hear how much better they coulda, woulda, shoulda been.
Ok, that's a rightous complaint.

And to the neysayers....Yes...I wanna hear that I did ok. Jesus H Christ, threads on skateboarders go on forever about, "whoa dude, that's cool".

A ten second photo. Goes on for infinity. But one that is thought out.......I digress.
Maybe I'm WAAAAAY out of touch.
I don't know what this forum is about anymore. I just don't.
Well you know I'm one of your fans Elsapet. Your hard work never goes unnoticed by me.
Im with ya on that Cindy. :hug:: I have realized that Tpf is no longer the forum I was once proud to be part of. It is a much younger know it all crowd. I found it easier to just stop posting...havent had a headache in over a week. :lmao::lmao:. I have found much nicer places to share my images, with less attitude. :thumbup:
I think just as big of a problem is that those who do have the know-how don't post.
Im with ya on that Cindy. :hug:: I have realized that Tpf is no longer the forum I was once proud to be part of. It is a much younger know it all crowd. I found it easier to just stop posting...havent had a headache in over a week. :lmao::lmao:. I have found much nicer places to share my images, with less attitude. :thumbup:

Before I got sick again and left for a while, TPF did seem to be a more tight nit and less bitchy place. I still like it, but the "Wow dude, too bad about the blown highlights" comments drive me crazy. It's hard to expose for highlights when th only blown areas are the sun or street lamps.

And Cindy, I admire your work, I can't do it. (You I am sure read I hate shooting weddings.) The last image I commented on was yours, and I felt the P.P. was outstanding. I seldom comment anymore other than to complement as it serves little use here anymore. So most of my posts anymore are the off-topic chat nature just to kill a little time. BTW, Little Red and Aphrodite are outstanding, no matter what the skateboarders say.
I've commented positively on a few lately. And if I don't have something nice to say about any post, than I typically do not reply at all. For example one of your recent post looked like a porcelain doll, the queen of chiffon dreams, and so I gave props, is it, the young people say..

Then on another of your heavy PP images, I thought the chin line was obviously brushed and starting to degrade the piece, makeup a bit uneven, but rather than point out something negative I just passed on by. Something drilled into my brain since my youth.

I've seen most of my post go down with 1 or 2 or ZERO comments, and well it is not like me to bump, so I accept it and though I may wonder, did I post too late, would just one image be better, etc.. I just wait to shot another day and see what else I can find that is rewarding to my sensibilities, or I only share with people I know can appreciate the work.

I guess what I'm getting at is don't expect much from the chaos that is the WWW, and definitely do not take it personally.

-Shea :mrgreen:
Now wait a minute. Know it all? I know nothing! Nothing at all officer :shock:

Nah but on a serious note, I am a fan of yours as well. We all have different styles so on every thread someone is going to be going "Too much" or "Too little" (I know you already know this... not trying to be a know-it-all!) I also agree on the "wait... didn't I see this thread three months ago?"

I quit looking at the general gallery period. The landscapes section seems pretty decent.
I think just as big of a problem is that those who do have the know-how don't post.

I understand why you say this, but after a while the 14 Y.O's who read a book, trolled a site or has a P&S with shots their grandma said are as "good as any professional" or have there parents get them a new D9000 and a $10,000 mac all of a sudden are THE experts. Do you see HvR critique anymore, no and you most likely won't. He and I used to have some nice lively debates. Not anymore. And I do sort of miss having to bow to his judgment on a weekly basis. And I hate to think it, but I am afraid even Big Mike may get burned out soon.
I sometimes feel the same, but hell, it's the internet.

By all means, I am still a n00b here, but I have seen some very inspiring, INSANE, INCREDIBLE stuff...stuff that I would LOVE to be able to do, and there has been some less then admirable stuff. I agree eleventybillion and six percent that some of the less the admirable stuff seems to go, and go, while the true masterpieces are commented on, but still over looked somehow. I guess to each there own...

I guess for me, when I post pics, I am looking for criticisms, be it positive, OR negative. The biggest "insult" is not saying anything at all. I want the feed back of the more experienced people.
That is kinda why I'd like to see the critique section go back up with an elected board (nothing much just people like those in this thread (except me)) who can critique and no one else.
I get the same thing Cindy. I post some just for the sake of seeing if I get anything at all. But in one way I look at is like "no news is good news"; no comment = I am a photo god [which I am not]. Case in point. I posted one this afternoon. 49 hits... 1 comment! I thought that sucked .05% response. So... 95.5% didn't give a flip. It is frustrating.

There is no disrespect to the member that posted on one of my threads the other day, but I had an unusual story that frankly made me furious. I posted a series of shots (8 photos) on here (I still have trouble getting larger photos to work right, so I uploaded the files and attached them to the post - thumbnails). The response I got first was something to the effect of "call me lazy, but I don't want to click on all of the little photos". My first thought was "How much less of an effort can you use to click on a thumbnail?" It took more effort to respond to the post. So I removed the photos from the post and threw up a blog link.

The member is a nice enough person and we have bantered back and forth, but that mindset drives me crazy! btw, I don't dislike them for their opinions and we'll agree and probably disagree again.
I don't always comment on you wedding photos mainly for two...no, make that three reasons. 1) Your skill set is so far removed from mine, I hardly have anything to add (maybe a missing hand every now and then :lol:) 2) Your talent is intimidating and 3) I'm going through a divorce so wedding photos are a bit tough to swallow right now.

I have commented on this latest series you are sharing with us starting with the self portrait. I saw only one reply from you on the comments.

I am a big fan of your work. Maybe I'll chime in a bit more, if you want. In a weird sort of way, it's comforting to know that whatever level a photographer is at, feedback is essential.
Well it is good to see almost everyone that is replying to this thread is the kind I would love to hear critique from.
Well it is good to see almost everyone that is replying to this thread is the kind I would love to hear critique from.

Okay Monkey: "Your avatar is weird. It has an unusual growth in the middle of it and should be checked out by a tree surgeon." Better? ;o)

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