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I am a client and have a question regarding professionalism of a photographer

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I dont think we need to go into an entire bashing session, obviously the OP was dissatisfied with the results, and I can totally understand why.
just a cursory browsing through the photographers FB page shows a fundamental lack of understanding of proper lighting, exposure, white balance, posing, and cropping.
no to mention a complete lack of consistency.

I would go with e.rose's recommendation for the remainder of your photo sessions.
OKay. I am not a photographer. I have only dealt with a "professional" photographer with my wedding prior to this. Before this I would take my kids to a chain studio. My older kids are 17, 15, 13 and that is what did. I however wanted something different this time. I am not saying that I knew everything or anything at all about it.

I found her name from someone on facebook asking for a reasonably priced photographer to do kids/family pictures. When people gave references I looked at those. Did I do it right? Obviously not. But she was better than the other ones that were suggested. It is on me that I got the pictures I did. I completely own that.
Thank you. I will definitely look into erose for the rest of his sessions. Again thank you everyone with the help.
Wow erose you certainly found a winner quickly. Great choice. OP - check out the portfolio of the person erose found for you, very nice work.
I would go with e.rose's recommendation for the remainder of your photo sessions.

She might not even be the best option. She was just the best option I found in the course of 2 minutes. But she's solid...

Moral of the story: Do more complete research
OKay. I am not a photographer. I have only dealt with a "professional" photographer with my wedding prior to this. Before this I would take my kids to a chain studio. My older kids are 17, 15, 13 and that is what did. I however wanted something different this time. I am not saying that I knew everything or anything at all about it.

I found her name from someone on facebook asking for a reasonably priced photographer to do kids/family pictures. When people gave references I looked at those. Did I do it right? Obviously not. But she was better than the other ones that were suggested. It is on me that I got the pictures I did. I completely own that.

I only asked if you were a photographer because you said she "came to me for family pictures". So I thought you were saying that she came to YOU to BE photographed for HER family pictures. :lol:

Next time if the best of the recommendations you get still sucks... Google.

People recommend terrible sh*t all the time, because everyone has a different motive for hiring who they do.

Are they looking for someone cheap? That's who they'd recommend.

Are they looking for someone quality? That's who they'd recommend.

Are they looking for someone to offer an amazing experience?

Can the people making recommendations even tell the difference between a good one and a sh*tty one?

All those things matter, and they matter differently to different people. ;)
Thank you. I will definitely look into erose for the rest of his sessions. Again thank you everyone with the help.

Nooooo, don't look into ME.

1. I'm not cheap.

2. I don't do babies.

3. I don't live in Des Moines. ;)

He meant to look at the person I linked to as a recommendation.

NOTE: I don't know that person, I have never met that person, I don't personally endorse that person... I just did a Google search and that was the best option I found. I looked for literally 2 minutes. There may be other better options for all I know, but I didn't dig that deep. That's your job. ;)
I'm not a great people photographer yet, but I can tell you the lighting on the PROFILE picture for her site is just god awful.

I'm sorry you had that experience. While you do get what you pay for, sometimes you don't know really what you're going to get, and that's completely understandable.

As for strangers ripping through my portfolio, I'd actually invite it... That means SOMEONE's looking at the damned thing.
Maybe not as low as the kid doing a high res disk and session for $50, but she might as well be.

From her FB page:
"Valentines mini session $50. 20 min session plus 5 high resolution edited images on a cd and a print release. Limited spots. Message to book."


we don't do a ton of work. don't really care much for volume.
we get $200 for basic portraits (1-3 people) with up to 5 pictures. additional people are $50 each.
As I understand it, we are pretty "middle of the road" as far as pricing goes in our area.

I would not necessarily use price to determine a photographers quality.
while it can be a reasonable indicator, you also cannot rule out higher priced photographers just pricing high to try and gouge the market, or overvalue themselves.

always use a photographers portfolio as the best means to pick someone that will suit your needs. ask for references.
Do a image search to make sure their images are actually their own, and not stolen to fluff their portfolio.
if their work looks like it will suit your needs, and their pricing is within your budget, then you have a much better chance of having picked a suitable photographer.
It sounds like the photos were made in her home?

For the US - If the photos were made in private, in her home, she does indeed need your permission to use the photos she made to promote herself as a professional photographer or to advertise her business.
If the photos were made in a public park and any passerby could have stood there and watched, she would not need your permission.

But, it will likely cost you way more than $150 start legal action to force her to remove the photos from online.
Interesting - so even if the house were a proper business premises (which seems unlikely based on what we've seen/heard) there's no inherent entitelment to self-promote?
I meant she came to my location for family pictures. And I meant I would look at the photographer that erose pulled from her google search. Not obviously erose herself.

And yes, I will definitely look on google for reviews, etc. I was just trying to get something better than a department store studio which is basically what they have here at my town besides a few very amateur photographers.

Lesson is learned. Although originally this was not so much about her pictures but more of her saying I verbally abused her and I wanted to make sure I was not in my message. But mostly I just want my sons pictures off her page and to be done with it. I never expected a refund nor did I ask for one. I never threatened bad reviews but I feel that I am entitled to give my feedback.

And yes, to whomever mentioned---it was done in a home studio. (I don't know how to quote like you all are doing). And if she will not remove them when I ask I am glad to know that legally she would have to if I needed to go that route.

Thank you.
I'm sorry you had that experience. While you do get what you pay for, sometimes you don't know really what you're going to get, and that's completely understandable.

There was no way NOT to know what you're going to get with that person. The portfolio speaks for itself. It's clear as day. :lol:

Maybe not as low as the kid doing a high res disk and session for $50, but she might as well be.

From her FB page:
"Valentines mini session $50. 20 min session plus 5 high resolution edited images on a cd and a print release. Limited spots. Message to book."


we don't do a ton of work. don't really care much for volume.
we get $200 for basic portraits (1-3 people) with up to 5 pictures. additional people are $50 each.
As I understand it, we are pretty "middle of the road" as far as pricing goes in our area.

I would not necessarily use price to determine a photographers quality.
while it can be a reasonable indicator, you also cannot rule out higher priced photographers just pricing high to try and gouge the market, or overvalue themselves.

always use a photographers portfolio as the best means to pick someone that will suit your needs. ask for references.
Do a image search to make sure their images are actually their own, and not stolen to fluff their portfolio.
if their work looks like it will suit your needs, and their pricing is within your budget, then you have a much better chance of having picked a suitable photographer.

No, you definitely shouldn't make pricing the ONLY way to gauge, but it's a pretty good indicator.

There ARE incredible photographers priced WAY TOO LOW... it happens... because they're new to business, or just gun shy about raising their prices... it happens. But it's rare, because the ones that do that, don't do it for long before they realize they need to up their prices... or... the ones that stay there are few and far in between.

There are also mediocre photographers priced WAY TOO HIGH for what their work is worth. Because they're overconfident, or they've "been doing this for 40 years", and so they stand on their name carrying their worth and for some reason people buy into it... who knows... but it happens.

But like you said, that's where the portfolio comes into play.

I know when I'm shopping around for photographers, I look ONLY at the portfolio. Whomever's portfolio speaks to me the most is the one whose pricing I look at. If they're out of my budget, I cry for a minute, and then I either decide to save up... OR... I keep looking until someone else's portfolio appeals to me, and then I check *their* pricing.

But that's just me.
I know when I'm shopping around for photographers, I look ONLY at the portfolio. Whomever's portfolio speaks to me the most is the one whose pricing I look at. If they're out of my budget, I cry for a minute, and then I either decide to save up... OR... I keep looking until someone else's portfolio appeals to me, and then I check *their* pricing.

But that's just me.

You don't read the about me sections?!
I meant she came to my location for family pictures. And I meant I would look at the photographer that erose pulled from her google search. Not obviously erose herself.

And yes, I will definitely look on google for reviews, etc. I was just trying to get something better than a department store studio which is basically what they have here at my town besides a few very amateur photographers.

Lesson is learned. Although originally this was not so much about her pictures but more of her saying I verbally abused her and I wanted to make sure I was not in my message. But mostly I just want my sons pictures off her page and to be done with it. I never expected a refund nor did I ask for one. I never threatened bad reviews but I feel that I am entitled to give my feedback.

And yes, to whomever mentioned---it was done in a home studio. (I don't know how to quote like you all are doing). And if she will not remove them when I ask I am glad to know that legally she would have to if I needed to go that route.

Thank you.

It wasn't originally about the pictures... but... it's a photo forum... so naturally we're going to talk about that.

Especially since we already established you didn't verbally abuse her, and she's clearly crazy. :lol: :sexywink:

I mean, you could always just wait for your refund before posting a review... I'm sure she's not going to have you sign a contract on that agreement either ;)

And what is she going to do? Take her $150 sessions and save up for a few years to hire a lawyer to go after you? I doubt she has that budgeted into her non-existant business plan. :sexywink: :lol:
I know when I'm shopping around for photographers, I look ONLY at the portfolio. Whomever's portfolio speaks to me the most is the one whose pricing I look at. If they're out of my budget, I cry for a minute, and then I either decide to save up... OR... I keep looking until someone else's portfolio appeals to me, and then I check *their* pricing.

But that's just me.

You don't read the about me sections?!


And yes. I do. Once I'm interested in someone.

Or if someone is just so hilariously awful... I read those too... because the About Me section is usually just as entertaining. :lol:
Well, I do agree that to us her portfolio says all we need to know, but imagine for a second you knew nothing about portraiture. Basically, be me for a second. :lol: If you have no idea what you're really looking at in fine detail as you do (E.Rose, you being a pretty impressive portrait artist yourself), then her work might look just fine. Like I said, take it as someone who has no idea what they're looking at.
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