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How's this edit?


TPF Noob!
Nov 13, 2008
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In between her...
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Or Crispy??

Seems over done to me. The face is shaded out too much IMO. The skin should have a nice soft glow. It goes from dark tan and shaded out and fades over to blow out.
well it looks better than the original. The skin tone looks a little vivid. i agree with bryce on the face part.
that bathing suit looks much better from this angle than from the side. It's a snake attacking her bewb!

Or Crispy??


I can see you are trying to get emphasis on the model. How about this treatment? Very little is done to the model, but pushing back the setting helps give vibrancy to the model without overdoing the colours.


Another quick edit.


Before & after here: Click

Too many edits :lol:

Schwetty's is my favourite edit, but I'd like to see the background taken down a just little as oldmacman suggests.
You don't have to go all fancy really. Mo.. your shot was underexposed and I really felt like the WB is off. Just correcting the two on your RAW will improve your photo a lot! Then you can do the fancy stuff afterward (removing cellulite, wrinkles on swimsuit etc.).
Turbo's edit was the best. He did better with the eyes which are very important and did OK with the skin colour and the hair.

The problem with almost all of the edits is that they are global in nature. To get everything right on, selective edits of various sections of the image are necessary. That is where you need to go in image editing.

^^^ +1 I love Turbo's edits and she loved them also. Just something about them, the way he brings out everything! I was trying to go that route and ended up with my version :meh:

You don't have to go all fancy really. Mo.. your shot was underexposed and I really felt like the WB is off. Just correcting the two on your RAW will improve your photo a lot! Then you can do the fancy stuff afterward (removing cellulite, wrinkles on swimsuit etc.).

I like your edit as well, way better than mine! Yeah, I am watching the Lynda.com photo retouching and that was the first thing it taught. I did the whole WB adjustment but then screwed it up by keep messing w/ the image. I was trying to make it look like Turbo's first edit and messed up BAD! Although I sent it to her and she's loving it, but told her to hold off on it till I can do a better edit on it.

As for underexposing the shot, the orig photog said it's always better to shoot a little underexposed photo than to shoot an overexposed photo because you can always bring out the exposure during PP

And as for me, I also went ahead last week and ordered my expodisc (77mm) which will be direct fit to my L lens but at the same time it's much larger than the other lens where I can still hold it against my kit or 50mm lens and get custom WB. It's going to play a huge role for all my shootings.
^^^ +1 I love Turbo's edits and she loved them also. Just something about them, the way he brings out everything! I was trying to go that route and ended up with my version :meh:

As for underexposing the shot, the orig photog said it's always better to shoot a little underexposed photo than to shoot an overexposed photo because you can always bring out the exposure during PP .

Yes, you can bring up an underexposed shot in PP, but doing so, can often add picture noise. So, I would make the effort to get it right on or bracket the shot rather than deliberately shooting underexposed.


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