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How to deal with disturbing objects in a photo


TPF Noob!
Aug 30, 2010
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Can others edit my Photos
Photos OK to edit
I have the following problem: The Mcdonalds sign in my photo draws to much attention as it has a very strong red colour. How can I remove that? I mean that I would like to smoothen it somehow so that it fits into the image.


I also tried some other solutions but I am not satisfied with them:


Black and white:

I am looking forward to your opinions and help. Thank you in advance.
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You learn from these pictures, either get the ENTIRE sign in the photograph to make a point that McDonalds is EVERYWHERE, or shoot lower and don't include it.
Can you just crop it out and make a 20*10 crop?
Either crop the photo so the sign isnt there or edit it out using an advanced software program.
you have several options

1. retake the photo at a different angle, framing, zoom amount, etc.
2. crop tighter
3. digitally remove the item
4. don't use this photo
Removing the sign would leave a large empty area in the upper left and unbalance the composition. Crop even tighter than you did, just enough to get rid of the bright light in the window in the upper right, but not the face, then remove what's left of the sign by content fill or cloning or some combination of techniques. You could also brighten the second floor facade on the left a little.
Yup, I would say frame it better next time. Take a few steps in and nix the sign totally out of the image.

Edit: OR you could totally change the photo in photoshop lol. While it looks good, I'd still rather frame it in camera and save myself the trouble. UNLESS CS5 is just that good at cloning lol.
I used CS4. Took me 2 minutes.

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