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how much variation between lens copies is there these days? (sigma/fuji)


TPF Noob!
Nov 4, 2011
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Back in the day it was a common discussion about how good lenses could be if you get a good copy, mostly around the $500 price range anyway. I feel like sigma used to get a fair amount of talk regarding this. I'm now getting back into photography and considering a Fuji X camera, likely an X-s10. Sigma once again has a great alternative to the fuji 18-55 with their Sigma 18-50 2.8. Both seem like great lenses but since im starting the kit from scratch I think i'd opt for the sigma for the constant f2.8.

But of course the nagging question I have is whether their quality control is still a little bit of a gamble.
Back in the day it was a common discussion about how good lenses could be if you get a good copy, mostly around the $500 price range anyway. I feel like sigma used to get a fair amount of talk regarding this. I'm now getting back into photography and considering a Fuji X camera, likely an X-s10. Sigma once again has a great alternative to the fuji 18-55 with their Sigma 18-50 2.8. Both seem like great lenses but since im starting the kit from scratch I think i'd opt for the sigma for the constant f2.8.

But of course the nagging question I have is whether their quality control is still a little bit of a gamble.
I use a couple of Fuji cameras. I have an old (made Japan) 18-55mm f/2.8-4 which is excellent. The Sigma specs and price are certainly attractive -- check out some reviews:

Good luck.
Frankly, "sample variation" is today lapsing into urban legend territory--threadbare rumor and hearsay isn't science. I also can't see where Fujifilm has ever produced a "dog"lens for its X series cameras. The Fujinon 18-55 zoom is a gem. Never owned an off-brand lens, no plans to change.
Quality control from any product is a bit of a gamble. Everybody has a bad item slip out now and then. Used to think that warranty ment a lot but then I found out from a company unless you've a great history of warranty, it means little. Problem seem's to be a lot of company's have got away from quality control in favor of simply sending the product out and if there's a problem simply replace it! I think success makes a business. Sigma has been around a long time and keep's on going, there's a reason for that! I have an old Sigma 170-500 lens that probably works better than I do but then that's probably because I don't use it a lot! But I don't think I would sell it either! Tamron seem's to be one of those companys folks sneer at but no clue why. In the US it seem's everything is related to cost, cost more it's better! I don't buy that.

I think the way to decide on a brand is to see if I can afford it and if I can give it a try. I have a fishing reel I bought for no other reason than a guy was really trashing it on the internet and it was inexpensive enough I could afford to loose the money if it was junk. Because of that reel alone I now have three more from the same new company!

I think it pays to read other opinion's on products on the internet but keep in mind you likely don't know they person giving that opinion, be careful of what they say. Just like the guy tashing the fishing reel I bought. I suspect he got a bad one and decided that it simply didn't cost enough and was upset so bashed it. Human nature!

I had in my mind years ago that Tamron was for people that simply could not afford better, today a Tameron 18-200 is my most used lense! I'm not sure pro's use lense's like that but using only expensive lense's maintains their creditablity I believe. Few working pro's in my opinion take better photo's than a lot of us, they just use more expensive equipment to get there. Don't mean to bash pro's, have a brother that was one all his life!

Taking great photo's is not so much the equipment you use as it is in how you use what you have!
I buy used kit, when the sale is on and others trade in good kit just to get the latest (therefore. ??? ) better
Frankly, "sample variation" is today lapsing into urban legend territory--threadbare rumor and hearsay isn't science. I also can't see where Fujifilm has ever produced a "dog"lens for its X series cameras. The Fujinon 18-55 zoom is a gem. Never owned an off-brand lens, no plans to change.
Is that the f/2.8 of the f/2.8 -4? The 2.8 has a great reputation, the 2.8 - 4 less, though still a decent lens.
Is that the f/2.8 of the f/2.8 -4? The 2.8 has a great reputation, the 2.8 - 4 less, though still a decent lens.
I have both the 18-55mm f/2.8-4 as well as the 16-55mm f/2.8. Both are excellent lenses. There's sufficient difference between the two in size and weight to more than justify my keeping and using the 18-55mm f/2.8-4 which frankly I use more than the bigger heavier lens.
Is that the f/2.8 of the f/2.8 -4? The 2.8 has a great reputation, the 2.8 - 4 less, though still a decent lens.
With respect, no owner I know of the 2.8-4 has ever kvetched about that 'kit'(sic) lens. The echo chamber reviews usually get it wrong anyway. YMMV, as always.

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