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I have a dilemma - Get a small compact lens or a add small camera?


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Jan 31, 2015
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So I have the Nikon Z6II and a few lenses, the 24-70 f/4 S, 35 1.8 S, 50 1.8 S and the MC 105mm 2.8 VR S which are all amazing lenses. I have really no issues with them...well besides the 35mm but that's for another a different discussion.

The problem I have is that while the camera is and lenses are great, they are not small and not particular light although much lighter than my previous Nikon full frame DSLR setup but still significantly more heavier than my Fujifilm kit I had prior. Although, the XT4 I had was almost the same size as the Z6II but the full frame lenses make up for the size.

So I don't bring my camera with me all that often these days unless I know I'm going to be specifically taking pictures. I tried the smaller cheap Z mount primes, the 28 2.8 and the 40 f2...wasn't particularly fond of them. There is the 26 2.8 that recently came out that is very small but still the camera body is just big enough that I'm not going to bring with me on say an errand or just on a walk.

There really isn't many options, I rather not use my phone as I just don't like using it.

But there are options like I could get a used Nikon ZFC and a z mount manual focus lenses like the Voigtlander 23 f1.2 and still have the option to use my other z mount lenses if needed.

I been interested in the Panasonic GX85 Micro Four Thirds camera. Its soo incredibly cheap nowadays and it has a great EVF and IBIS but much smaller/lighter and very small lenses compared to my Nikon setup. If I was go this route, I would probably pick up one either the 20mm 1.7 or the Leica 15 1.7 and sell my 35 1.8 S.
The Fujifilm X100V are nice but I sold mine and regret and now people want arm and leg. Not worth it in my books.

The Ricoh GRIII/X are also a great option too, but no EVF and pretty expensive.

The other idea is actually getting different lenses for my Z6II, the Voigtlander 40 f/1.2 is pretty small and little bit lighter than the 35 1.8 S which already feels light on the camera but it does make the camera smaller and it has really unique rendering and with it being manual focus...might make it fun to take pictures again.

Right now I'm leaning toward the GX85 because of the cost and having a second camera as small as that could be useful for going on walks and be a good second camera for video when I need it.

I dunno, feel free to share your thoughts.
I‘d get a good, older manual lens and would adapt it. Then you could decide if you want a more expensive Voigtländer etc. or swith to mft. I can recommend you Carl Zeiss/Voigtländer lenses in QBM mount. They are relatively inexpensive and have a really good IQ.
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For the Z6II, it really doesn't get more compact than the 26mm f/2.8 lens. The 40mm f/2 is what I use for a compact walk around lens, which is slightly bigger but gives you f/2 and isn't quite so wide. I don't love it though, it's a weird focal length. Plenty compact for my purposes though.
Think about the lens.
If you get a ZFC, then you can share lenses, if you need/want to.
If you get a m43, you have a 2nd system that you have to build. $$$$

If you go ZFC, you have to be careful to NOT overload it.
Put a big heavy pro lens on it, and the weight/size difference decreases.
So you have to think small/light when you select lenses for it.
The good part is, you can use all your Z6ii lenses.

If you go m43, again, you have to be careful to NOT overload it.
Put a big heavy pro lens on it, and the weight/size difference decreases.
Also WHICH m43 camera. The size and weight varies.

I shoot with a Nikon D7200 (APS-C), an Olympus EM1-mk2 (m43) and an Olympus EM10-mk2 (m43).
The EM1+lens is about 40% lighter than my Nikon D7200+18-140.
The EM10 was/is the smallest/lightest of the Olympus with an EVF. Put the pancake 14-42EZ lens on, and it is a SMALL camera. And I can "up-gun" it by putting on a better but larger lens.

Going m43 will give you the largest weight/size reduction, IF you select well, and if you can live with the limitations.
Think about the lens.
If you get a ZFC, then you can share lenses, if you need/want to.
If you get a m43, you have a 2nd system that you have to build. $$$$

If you go ZFC, you have to be careful to NOT overload it.
Put a big heavy pro lens on it, and the weight/size difference decreases.
So you have to think small/light when you select lenses for it.
The good part is, you can use all your Z6ii lenses.

If you go m43, again, you have to be careful to NOT overload it.
Put a big heavy pro lens on it, and the weight/size difference decreases.
Also WHICH m43 camera. The size and weight varies.

I shoot with a Nikon D7200 (APS-C), an Olympus EM1-mk2 (m43) and an Olympus EM10-mk2 (m43).
The EM1+lens is about 40% lighter than my Nikon D7200+18-140.
The EM10 was/is the smallest/lightest of the Olympus with an EVF. Put the pancake 14-42EZ lens on, and it is a SMALL camera. And I can "up-gun" it by putting on a better but larger lens.

Going m43 will give you the largest weight/size reduction, IF you select well, and if you can live with the limitations.
If I was get say a used GX85 and one of the compact fast primes I wouldn't get anything else. Just that as a everyday kinda camera and use my Z6II as my main camera. That's what I was thinking anyways. The ZFC is interesting as it might be more fun to use too and not really any bigger than the GX85. I'm not sure...lots to think about it. The most portable and best IQ is probably the Ricoh GRIII/X.
Have you considered a Z50?
I have a D7000 Nikon but when I'm going out often it's just to much to carry around. Take the D7000 and for whatever reason I need to take the case full of stuff I seldom ever use! But I have a little S 6900 Nikon point and shoot that does well for me and I carry it in and old leatherman tool pouch on my belt. Have got some really nice photo's with it depending on who's looking! Hasn't last me very well but the thing is it's size for carrying around. I find something special I can always return with what I think is a better camera and get about as good a photo as I got with my carry around camera. I'm gonna get a new one one of these days, as I said, I think I said, I've had a few problems with this little Nikon even though I get photo's that for me are good to go! You'll find that not having your better camera with you, you just might not get the quality of photo you want but, you can always go back with the better camera later! View will probably change somewhat though. You might keep in mind that the best camera for taking a special photo you stumble on is the one you have with you!
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For a small point and shoot you should look at the Cannon power shot models. I have the SX740HS, its Cannon glass and IQ makes some great photos. Not much bigger than a cell phone and quality of images are much better that phone cameras. Equal to some full frame cameras if you don't enlarge/crop too far IMHO.
For a small point and shoot you should look at the Cannon power shot models. I have the SX740HS, its Cannon glass and IQ makes some great photos. Not much bigger than a cell phone and quality of images are much better that phone cameras. Equal to some full frame cameras if you don't enlarge/crop too far IMHO.
I have the same SX740HS. Really like it and does real nice photo's but in the shopright now. I'd recomment trying it even though mine is down ight now. Not that big a thing. One thing about Canon I don't care for is their customer service. Unless you want to join some group they have, for customer service you can go suck an egg! I use Nikon DSLR's but my printer's are Canon's and for my money they are the best there is.
I have 3x classes of camera which works for me -

1. Pocketable (Oly 35 ED for film and XZ-1 for digital)
2. Light carry (Oly 35 SP for film and Pen EPL M43 with a pancake for digital)
3. 'Full on' - (Oly OM SLR/F5 for film and the Pen EPL M43 + zooms and EVF for digital) As already stated here by ac12 a M43 with anything other than a pancake lens, especially zoom) is not what I would call compact.

I guess it's personal preference and a use case decision but you can certainly get excellent quality 'true' compacts that will outperform any phone.

A Z6 II with a pancake I would not classify as compact, so for my personal use case I would not be without a small camera (I also dislike using phones).
Lose the MILCs and get a used Fuji X-100T or Ricoh GR II. No matter how small the lens, it's still stuck to a sizeable camera compared to these models.
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So I have the Nikon Z6II and a few lenses, the 24-70 f/4 S, 35 1.8 S, 50 1.8 S and the MC 105mm 2.8 VR S which are all amazing lenses. I have really no issues with them...well besides the 35mm but that's for another a different discussion.

The problem I have is that while the camera is and lenses are great, they are not small and not particular light although much lighter than my previous Nikon full frame DSLR setup but still significantly more heavier than my Fujifilm kit I had prior. Although, the XT4 I had was almost the same size as the Z6II but the full frame lenses make up for the size.

So I don't bring my camera with me all that often these days unless I know I'm going to be specifically taking pictures. I tried the smaller cheap Z mount primes, the 28 2.8 and the 40 f2...wasn't particularly fond of them. There is the 26 2.8 that recently came out that is very small but still the camera body is just big enough that I'm not going to bring with me on say an errand or just on a walk.

There really isn't many options, I rather not use my phone as I just don't like using it.

But there are options like I could get a used Nikon ZFC and a z mount manual focus lenses like the Voigtlander 23 f1.2 and still have the option to use my other z mount lenses if needed.

I been interested in the Panasonic GX85 Micro Four Thirds camera. Its soo incredibly cheap nowadays and it has a great EVF and IBIS but much smaller/lighter and very small lenses compared to my Nikon setup. If I was go this route, I would probably pick up one either the 20mm 1.7 or the Leica 15 1.7 and sell my 35 1.8 S.
The Fujifilm X100V are nice but I sold mine and regret and now people want arm and leg. Not worth it in my books.

The Ricoh GRIII/X are also a great option too, but no EVF and pretty expensive.

The other idea is actually getting different lenses for my Z6II, the Voigtlander 40 f/1.2 is pretty small and little bit lighter than the 35 1.8 S which already feels light on the camera but it does make the camera smaller and it has really unique rendering and with it being manual focus...might make it fun to take pictures again.

Right now I'm leaning toward the GX85 because of the cost and having a second camera as small as that could be useful for going on walks and be a good second camera for video when I need it.

I dunno, feel free to share your thoughts.
Well, I had the same problem. Been a Nikon shooter for 55 years, just recently bought Fuji. Both "large" when fitted with lens, grip, etc. I checked out KEH and bought a D3100 for a $100.00. Great little rig, light, and accurate---works for me got a 18-55DX with it.
I have to have a reason to take my DSLR anymore. Got a Panasonic ZS 100 and it rides in a pouch on my belt and takes very nice photo's. have blown up one to 12x24 and it rivals my Nikon D7000! had problems getting it going but fair weather now!

There really isn't many options, I rather not use my phone as I just don't like using it.


I dunno, feel free to share your thoughts.
G'day Nerwin

May I add to the discussion and respond to your "how long is a piece of string" question :)

Putting budget to one side for the moment, may I suggest that you have two options .... i) being the m4/3 route, and ii) being the micro-sensor route. I use both with great success as I find that the "usual" range of APS & FF bodies are too large and heavy for my fingers

With the m4/3 route, the Panny is an excellent choice, and why not maybe consider the Panny 14-140 -or- the Oly 12-100 lens as your go-to lens. Light overall weight, an all-in-one unit for easy carrying and so on

With the micro-sensor route, a possible the Panny FZ-300 if you would like lots of zoom with a constant aperture F2,8 lens from 18 to 420 in dSLR terms -or- the Panny TZ90 for a "real small carry around" job which will fit into your pocket but also give you a damn fine zoom lens

I use the FZ-300 as my everyday carry around kit, and the F2,8 lens is superb. Panny have locked this model into a 12mpx sensor to minimise noise, and while it's a 'yes it does show noise' from time to time, the idea of shooting at (the equivalent of) 400mm F2,8 is magic on many occasions

Hope this helps

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