How can I achieve this effect?


TPF Noob!
Oct 14, 2015
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I love these images and was wondering how I can achieve a similar effect. Thanks in advanced!

Please do not post images to which you do not hold rights. You may post a link.
I love these images and was wondering how I can achieve a similar effect.
Hi, yourself!


May I ask why you like this effect?

Also; since many of us did not see what you referenced, would you post a link to them please?
The Lensbaby company has some pretty nifty new types of effects lenses. I too was wondering what exact effect or look you were interested in recreating.
I love these images and was wondering how I can achieve a similar effect.
Hi, yourself!


May I ask why you like this effect?

Also; since many of us did not see what you referenced, would you post a link to them please?

yes of course. I am not sure why I like the effect so much. I am mainly a dance photographer and I find the blend of stillness, motion, and focus extremely compelling and unique.
jayna photography
jayna photography
The Lensbaby company has some pretty nifty new types of effects lenses. I too was wondering what exact effect or look you were interested in recreating.
Posted the links just above this. Thanks!
After seeing these, I would agree, this looks like Lensbaby work. I have the Original model, as well as 2.0, and then another one I got very cheaply. These to me look like the 2.0. Tilting the lens is what makes the out of focus highlight take on that oddly elongated shape. You are right--these do have an interesting feeling/look/vibe to them. The Original model has a much softer lens look, and has a lot of color fringing...these are sharper, which is what makes me think it might be the 2.0, or one of the later models.

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