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How to achieve the new moody aesthetic in interiors photography?


TPF Noob!
Nov 26, 2024
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Can others edit my Photos
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Hi! Fairly new to photography, so please bear with me! Looking to achieve a moody, de-saturated aesthetic for my interiors photos in post processing,
like seen here in the attached images.

Does anyone have any tips on how I can achieve this? In LR, or does anyone know of any presets that are available that would help me achieve this look?

I'm shooting on a canon 5d raw.

Many thanks in advance! :)

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Take your questions to Google first. As such, you're all but asking. "I've a few minutes, tell me all you know about editing."
Might not help as I shoot film and moody interiors are soft light and slightly underexposed. Bracket down from meter 1/2 steps.
I would refer you to the TPF Rules and Guidelines.

* You agree to only post images and/or other material to which you have exclusive copyright, or permission from the copyright holder that you are able to present to TPF Staff. Under no circumstances will any instance of copyright infringement be tolerated.
Guessing this was another drive-by?

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