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No longer a newbie, moving up!
Dec 1, 2011
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Some Where In the Desert
Can others edit my Photos
Photos OK to edit
wow =O your photos are gorgeous....... so warm & inviting lol
Good stuff. Very lifelike and they really draw you in. I think you could have done with another couple of under exposures to get those bright lights better. But overall, nice job.

Bynx- I actually have a few darker exposures. I think I might use one for the second image to get the blue color out of the three white lights.
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I really like all of your pictures. And with the input and guidance of those like Bynx, I hope to do some amazing HDR's myself.

If you have drive you WILL! I am constantly evolving and learning faster and better ways to process. Keep in mind there is never one way to do everything. Explore new methods through trial and error and be creative so you stand out.

If I can help in anyway I will be glad to!
vipgraphx said:
If you have drive you WILL! I am constantly evolving and learning faster and better ways to process. Keep in mind there is never one way to do everything. Explore new methods through trial and error and be creative so you stand out.

If I can help in anyway I will be glad to!

Thanks a lot. I may just take you up on that offer.
What an astounding place to shoot. And made for HDR. I just think the colors are too vibrant. Ive toned them back on the left half alongside your original. If you shot Raw file when you open them I think you should have a choice of WB. Try choosing Sunlight and see if that strong orange light will look more natural. Just a suggestion.

Beautiful. The lights near the roofline in the third picture really take it down for me, but they are all very nice and inviting.
What an astounding place to shoot. And made for HDR. I just think the colors are too vibrant. Ive toned them back on the left half alongside your original. If you shot Raw file when you open them I think you should have a choice of WB. Try choosing Sunlight and see if that strong orange light will look more natural. Just a suggestion.

Yes it was a great place to take some photos. I wish I could get more but i was only able to get about an hour in the first night we were there. The rest of the time was spent with the soccer team. This hotel had a very warm feeling. Many of the lights were Yellow with a mellow dramatic feeling. When I processed these I wanted to bring out the rich colors so I amped up the yellows and reds. I am very happy with the results and appreciate your edit and suggestion. I also took the time to work on composition and I think I did a good job (hopefully you folks will to)

Beautiful. The lights near the roofline in the third picture really take it down for me, but they are all very nice and inviting.

I can see where those lights can be distracting. On the bright side of things at least they are on both sides of the frame so it has balance.

What an astounding place to shoot. And made for HDR. I just think the colors are too vibrant. Ive toned them back on the left half alongside your original. If you shot Raw file when you open them I think you should have a choice of WB. Try choosing Sunlight and see if that strong orange light will look more natural. Just a suggestion.

Bynx- reworked a few of those photos. I think this is what you were getting at (correct me if I am wrong )

6867563233_5a352454fa_b by VIPGraphX, on Flickr

6870691417_1df0c032a4_b by VIPGraphX, on Flickr

6870691649_2ed53c9612_b by VIPGraphX, on Flickr

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