Err unlike displays such as LCDs, hot pixels on a CCD are not a manufacturing defect. It's simply a function of which pixel dies first when you push it a bit.
If you had a hot pixel at ISO100 at anything faster than 5-10 seconds then it may be a cause to send it back. But if you start upping the ISO then things get worse.
If you want to know what I mean why not crank it up to ISO800 and take a 30 second exposure with long shutter noise reduction off and start counting dead pixels then.
Btw since it is always the same pixels which die at any given shutter speed / ISO / temperature, this is all long exposure NR fixes. It simply takes 2 exposures at the same settings, except one with the shutter closed and then outputs the difference between the two to kill dead pixels.
My advice is not to worry about it. Sending the camera in is more trouble than it's worth in my opinion, and all they will do is map the pixels so that they can't produce that colour again. So when you take a photo of something bright red it'll have a dark spot.