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Hope this isn't a bad omen !

Birdy butts! I have a few of them too lol second one is cool too but .... ;)
ISO 2000..... nice! I'd say the D7200 is handling it quiiiite nicely indeed.

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I showed my daughter because she loves birds. She give these a thumbs up.
i really like the second one. the first one welllllllll i just dont know lol..
I didn't know birds have heart shaped butts too...

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Birds butt - fine. Falling snow, not so much. Bad omen wise that is.

We were well overdue, it is that time of year after all :)

I hear you poor souls are suffering through -4C temps, he, he...

That's short sleeve weather in Saskatchewan !

Cheers, Don
I find the snow more objectionable than getting mooned by a bird.

The second one is lovely, nicely done.
Hmm what a view, seriously though second shot is real nice.

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