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TPF Noob!
Feb 20, 2008
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Greetings fellow photo enthusiasts!

I'm new to this board, but it seems like a very active, fun, and educational place- so I look forward to posting and learning! I've been into photography for about seven years now, but mostly in a hobbyist capacity. I started out with a canon rebel SLR and took the digital plunge into a canon rebel DSLR, and last year- upgraded to a canon rebel xti (which I love!) For the longest time, I used all of the automatic settings on my cameras- but once I went digital, I got a little more liberal with my use of manual modes. Now with my xti- I make it a point to only use manual modes- mostly to force myself to learn ;) . Anyhow, I'm on here looking to meet people who share the same urge to learn more, shoot better, and help one another.

p.s. I'm thinking of buying a light meter- Sekonic L-358- any thoughts? Are they a must have? Is my built in meter enough?
Hola! welcome to TPF!
Hello, and welcome to TPF.

(Hopefully someone will answer your light meter question)
Hi, and welcome to the forum. Glad you joined us. I have the Sekonic 358, but only use it for multiple flash reading. For other non-flash photography, I would step up the the next model with the built in spot meter if you feel you need a meter. I used to use a hand held often back when my camera didn't have a meter (1960's) but seldom use them today unless doing Strobist style flash or studio flash work. The nice thing about the Sekonic meters, they will trigger pocket wizards for flash readings.
Hi, welcome aboard.
(i suck at flash so i don't know your question)

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