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TPF Noob!
Jun 23, 2013
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ontario canada
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Hi Folks actually found this forum from a google I did on a camera issue , am a member of two other camera/photography forums .I read a bunch of threads here liked what I was seeing and here I am .
always liked taking pictures from a young age. as time went by and many many hobbies , having kids (we have 6 )brought me to get serious about photography , a lot of my hobbies are really not for kids but shooting them at what they do became a passion, From there I seem to find a way to include photography into everything I do. Sports shooting has become front and center with me especially the challenges of hockey. Currently using a canon t2i 70-300mm 100 mm macro and kit 18-55. Soon moving toward a 7d and 70-200mm 2.8 , I guess I would class myself as a serious hobbiest , however I have been asked to do my sons fastpitch association team photos hockey cards etc.. can't wait ,but my t2i just died (it's headed to canon)
Hello and welcome to the forum!
Welcome to the site.
Welcome to the forum! I just stubbled across this place recently as well. So far I'm enjoying my stay. Lots of knowledge here.

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