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Hi All, Im new to the forum :)


TPF Noob!
Dec 22, 2013
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Hi everyone,

I'm new to this forum.
My name is Amber, I'm 24. I've been taking photos since I was 16. But nothing serious.. I've always loved taking photos of family moments, beautiful places I've been to, my children's birthdays and so on.
At the start of the year my mother gave me her old canon 300d and I've been hooked even more.
My partner started riding dirt track so I like taking pictures of the motor bike riders and as always my children and family moments.

Im planning on buying a 6 or 7d canon. I want to do a photography course this year and learn alot more about photography. I've never realised how much goes into it until about 6 months ago when I started reading up on it.
for me at this point it does seem confusing a lot of it but hopefully in the next year I'm able to take better picture and go from there.

anyway thanks :)
Welcome aboard Amber.
Welcome to the site.

I've been doing photography for years and sometimes it's confusing for me, too.
Welcome from just north of Washington, DC.

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Hello and welcome to the forum Amber!

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