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HELP!! Is it worth having a T3i and 5D Mark II?


TPF Noob!
Jan 9, 2012
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I need help to decide is it worth having a T3i and 5D Mark II?
I like the quality of the Mark II and having the full frame is really what I want. I already have a couple lenses that will work on the Mark II such as the 50mm 1.4

I pretty much got the T3i for a steal during black Friday and already want to upgrade.
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How about some details. I wouldn't hurt to have a backup or have a wide lens on one and a tele on the other ect. It would also be nice to sell the T3i and put the proceeds toward some good glass for the Mark II. It really depends on your situation.
You should have two MKII's and a Pony

well that's what I want
I have a pony, I'll trade you for a D4 (maybe a D3s).
I went to the Doctor, He said what's wrong, I said I have a pony. He said no you're just a little horse
I went to the Doctor, He said what's wrong, I said I have a pony. He said no you're just a little horse


Funny thing is that there is a big difference between a miniature horse and a pony. I got a stern lecture from a mini-horse breeder once when I used the term pony.
Yes , I have been around the miniature horse people and their little buggies too. I was very scared.

To the OP, If you shoot for a living you should have a back up. If you shoot as a heavy duty, enthusiast... you should have a backup
You always need a backup
Wait until March when we should hear more about the 5D Mark III. I think there are good uses for a crop and a FF for specific puposes.
Hmmm - I'd love a pony, but my 4 year old ("Nearly FIVE daddy!") wouldn't let me ride it!

If budget permits, the T3i would be handy to have as a back up, or to lend the other half/kids etc. OR if you're out shooting you can use both cameras (one with a wide, one with a long lens) to save having to switch lenses. If you find you don't use it much, sell it. If it was a good bargain you may find you don't lose too much money.

Welcome aboard.
Wait until March when we should hear more about the 5D Mark III. I think there are good uses for a crop and a FF for specific puposes.
Is it worth waiting for mark iii think it will costless than 2800 with a lens?
It comes down to what you want to do.
For all around home stuff, one camera is MORE then needed. FF or or cropped, is a very personal thing. If you extra $2500+, then go for it. If not, then stick w/ what you have.
ENYPDE said:
Is it worth waiting for mark iii think it will costless than 2800 with a lens?

No. Not all all if $$$ is a concern.
Keep the T3i, you've got it and it's not costing you anything to keep it. Then determine what you want to do when a MKIII is announced.

And don't get a pony.... you still have to feed it and shovel all that sh!t.

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