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Help ID old NOVO Camera


TPF Noob!
Jul 26, 2009
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I acquired this camera and can't seem to find anything about it even on the Internet! It was made in Germany. I posted this on the photo forum on ebay and someone recommended that I ask novoflex if they know anything about it which I did and they said that it was not their camera. someone else said that maybe, since in was made in Germany, that the factory was totaled after the war so there was no records of this company, but you would think that there would be something... something out there... but there isn't. Can anyone here give me a clue? thanks, suz
Anybody? I thought this would be the right forum to ask. If you think I should post this somewhere else please let me know where.
thank, suz
Rodenstock (the name on the lens) was and still is a German lens maker.
They once marketed a number of cameras under their brand name which
were actually made by other manufacturers but with Rodenstock lenses.
Finding a list of all those models would be difficult as they're not of much
interest to collectors.

Rodenstock never actually made any cameras themselves, just lenses.
Most of those cameras were actually made by Welta, a German camera
maker but some could also have been made by other mfrs such as Foth,
Franka-Werk or others.

So, your camera was most likely called a "Rodenstock Novo" when it was
marketed even though they really only made the lens.
'Tis a puzzelment ...

You might have some luck wandering around Camerapedia ( Main Page - Camerapedia.org ) but I didn't.

Its obviously from the late '20s or '30s. Given that it has a 7.5 cm lens and not a 5 cm lens it shoots 120. A 5cm lens would indicate 127 film. Since the Compur shutter is a rim-set version rather than dial-set, its more likely from the '30s. Its not likely post-WWII because the lens is not coated.

From the 3 red windows and the little sliding thumb control between them it is setup to shoot both 6x6 (12/roll using the center window) and 6x4.5 (16/roll using the two upper windows). There is a mask in the VF for 6x4.5 and there needs to be one in at the film gate also. You would remove both to shoot 6x6.

When shooting 6x4.5 you wind the film until #1 appears in the left window, shoot, them wind to move #1 to the right window and shoot again. Then repeat for #2 and so on. Early 120 did not have printed numbers for the 6x4.5 16 shot/roll format though it did later on. BTW, 127 new had numbers for its 16 shot format. In neither case was the 16 shot roll part of the original design spec for the format and it was never blessed by filim manufacturers for 127.
Thank you for all your great info...

I will continue to do my research. I am trying to figure out really the value of this camera so I will be an educated seller (when and if I sell).

Again, thank you so much, you guys are great :lmao:


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