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TPF Noob!
Jun 14, 2010
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I am proud to announce the birth of my first child. She was born on Monday (Labor Day) at 11:55am.


And let the newborn photography begin....

Picture added to second page.
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Congrats! I wish I had bought my camera before my girls were born! Bought it a couple months after :(.
Newborn photography was my pitch to the wife to spend the money on a decent camera. Showed her examples of pictures I wanted to do and the camera was mine.

Now I just need to come through with the pictures!! hehe
congrats on your newborn, she's a beautiful one..:)
congrats, my wife and i had our first back in march. i think for the first few days i took about 700 images each day, then insomnia set in.
And let the newborn photography begin....

LOL... let us know how that works out for you.... photography is going to be the last thing on your mind for AT LEAST the next 3 months.

congrats, my wife and i had our first back in march. i think for the first few days i took about 700 images each day, then insomnia set in.

.... this man speaks the truth. I have a TON of pictures from the hospital and the first day we brought him home.... then 3 months of a few random pictures, which are underexposed, crooked, and have dirty diapers in the background and vomit stains on the shirts.

Congratulations... and welcome to the club :thumbup:
Oh please...... You only brought ONE baby! We had to bring home THREE babies home within 1 week period! My only suggestion is if you take as many photos as I did to just take them in jpeg. Unless you are taking a special photo. It is not like you have the time to touch every photo.
And let the newborn photography begin....

LOL... let us know how that works out for you.... photography is going to be the last thing on your mind for AT LEAST the next 3 months.

congrats, my wife and i had our first back in march. i think for the first few days i took about 700 images each day, then insomnia set in.

.... this man speaks the truth. I have a TON of pictures from the hospital and the first day we brought him home.... then 3 months of a few random pictures, which are underexposed, crooked, and have dirty diapers in the background and vomit stains on the shirts.

Congratulations... and welcome to the club :thumbup:

I better get on it!
I wished I would have had the photo fever when my two boys were born...have fun *snicker * :sexywink:
Congratulations on the new baby, "Dad"! Take loads of photos man!

Just wait for what the future holds for you!!!

"Dad, can I tell you something?" "Dad, can we buy that?" "Dad, why can't we get it???"

"Dad, will you buy me a cell phone?" "Dad!!!! I need those jeans!!! Bethany has a pair!"

"Dad, you need to drive me to the mall!"

Ah...the sweet sound of the name , "Dad". I really enjoy hearing it....I do! I never tire of hearing my little one call me Dad.

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