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Head on Portrait Prize 2024


Been spending a lot of time on here!
Feb 27, 2013
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Ontario, Canada
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Some breathtaking work here, winners and finalists. Well worth a look:

Some breathtaking work here, winners and finalists. Well worth a look:

Having a strong preference for real head on portraits, greatly enjoyed some of the pix but was also greatly let down by shabby "enforcement" of the concept of head on in too many of the pix.

Personal examples are attached. I take the idea of head on portrature literally.





Altho I dont keep tech notes, I can at least mention that these are all from the smaller formats and that I dont bother with the so-called "portrait lenses" (last pic is with a fisheye). Also, it should be obvious that theres no wide open large apertures involved.
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With respect, I think the point of the exercise escaped you. The posted images demonstrate that clearly. Have a look at the contest site:

With respect, I think the point of the exercise escaped you. The posted images demonstrate that clearly. Have a look at the contest site:

When I replied, I had only followed the link to the images that was provided in the OP. But now I have followed the new link that youve provided, and find that YOU are missing MY point, which is plainly presented in my post and accompanying pix.

I still remain disappointed by lax adherence to the concept of "head on" in the festival. Again, I did greatly enjoy the festival pix that did support the "head on" idea.


I have no complaint or problem about what is, or is not, a "portrait". I am only disappointed by the way many pix are simply not head on at all. There is a subject-to-viewer connection created by head on, regardless of whether a pic is arguably a portrait. Without "head on", that connection is missing and and viewers are relegated to voyeur status.
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Play nice, everyone.
Outta here--thanks!
I didnt like any of them. It shows how stupid contests are.
I didnt like any of them. It shows how stupid contests are.
Finding the pix a mixed bag I was glad that I enjoyed SOME of them. But I certainly agree with your wider comment about contests. Photography, andor art & craft in general, is NOT a competitive endeavor.

Contest "designers" can create a contest for almost anything, just as Guiness can award a Worlds Record for almost anything. And the vast majority of these invented inappropriate awards and competitions fit your description of them ... "stupid" (reusing your adjective).

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