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HDR Movie? Yes those do exist...

Holy Cow! It takes a minute and a half to get into it..but some of those shots are absolutely amazing! Mind officially blown.

glad I clicked. Amazing, just wow.

HDR and old things just seem to really work well together.
HDR has been around a long time, and was used for movies long before it became popular with DSLR folks.
That's besides the point. The point that this is an amazing piece of work with hours and hours of work put into it is the point. It turned out amazing. People have been doing heart surgeries for centuries as well..that doesn't mean that the surgeons shouldn't be praised. There's no reason to discredit it.

I *literally* said "Holy sh*t!" out loud when that time in the movie finally hit.

Mark, I was just trying to add some back info for folks who might not know this is not a new "toy". I don't know how that would discredit the video. Just were did i say this video was useless , awful , and why bother to view. !
My mind has officially been blown. Makes me want to get more into HDR.
dont care for it, the flickering on the walls in some shots just looks like heavy computer randering....not for me
Not a fan of HDR, but I'd love to visit that place and take some photos. Definitely an interesting video, though.

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