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Having issues removing a virus, suggestions?

These are the programs in my virus tools folder...

Mac/PC fights are about as retarded as Nikon/Canon fights. It feels like your IQ drops 10 points after reading each post.

As for the virus, there's a few newer nasty ones being sent through website popups... and yes, Firefox is susceptible, too. As a last resort, after trying multiple programs, I backed my data and reformatted.
nes being sent through website popups... and yes, Firefox is susceptible, too. As a last resort, after trying multiple programs, I backed my data and reformatted.

About a decade ago, I actually went through a paranoid/OCD stage where I backed up and reformatted both my computers religiously every month, six months straight. What a pain in the neck that was. Not even sure what ever made me start doing it in the first place?
nes being sent through website popups... and yes, Firefox is susceptible, too. As a last resort, after trying multiple programs, I backed my data and reformatted.

About a decade ago, I actually went through a paranoid/OCD stage where I backed up and reformatted both my computers religiously every month, six months straight. What a pain in the neck that was. Not even sure what ever made me start doing it in the first place?
I had a friend who did the same.... every week.

nes being sent through website popups... and yes, Firefox is susceptible, too. As a last resort, after trying multiple programs, I backed my data and reformatted.

About a decade ago, I actually went through a paranoid/OCD stage where I backed up and reformatted both my computers religiously every month, six months straight. What a pain in the neck that was. Not even sure what ever made me start doing it in the first place?

I do it every hour


time machine does
I do it every hour


time machine does

Time Machine is one program I absolutely love! That thing has saved me so many headaches, just on bringing back old deleted emails that my wife thought wasn't important.
Thanks for the responses.

To the smart ones I have a Macbook so thank you, the computer with the issue is my custom pc.

I only run Firefox, never Internet explorer so I'm surprised my Firefox didn't catch any sort of threat, I've only had issues with IE.

I updated Malwarebytes and did another quick scan and it found 4 threats so I deleted them and restarted the computer and so far everything is looking good! I'll see how it runs and keep everyone updated.

custom pc > macs

Ok, use any of these spybot, AVG, ext.

If you are backedup reinstall windows "get windows 7"

Or manually remove the program. Find where the program is installed at and delete it, then go into your system registry and delete it from there aswell.

When you go into your registry make sure you don't delete anything other than the virus.
I've dealt with enough viruses to know I don't want to do it again.

I've been running the same (custom made) pc box for almost two years at home. NEVER had a virus. Here's how I do it.

First of all, I've only opened IE once. That was when I first booted to download Avast (free to home users), Spybot S&D (again, free) and Firefox. Once those were downloaded, installed and updated, I opened Firefox and downloaded Ad Block Plus and No Script.

This means that Firefox will not allow scripts to be run remotely and also kills the vast majority of ad content (and when I say vast majority, I'm guessing I've seen a total of half a dozen ads in the past two years).

I keep everything, including windows updated. I haven't had a problem in, as I said, two years.

As for the Mac vs PC argument, all I can say is a) why is it nobody ever says "Check out this Mac I built" and b) why have I never heard of anyone upgrading a Mac?

Thanks, I'll take my massive full tower with lots of room to upgrade.

EDIT: It should also be noted that I'm running XP, which has many years worth of security updates added. Unlike Vista and 7.
As for the Mac vs PC argument, all I can say is a) why is it nobody ever says "Check out this Mac I built" and b) why have I never heard of anyone upgrading a Mac?

Thanks, I'll take my massive full tower with lots of room to upgrade.

EDIT: It should also be noted that I'm running XP, which has many years worth of security updates added. Unlike Vista and 7.
Not to be a stickler. Typically mac don't need all that to be more powerful than a MS box thats one reason u don't hear people saying it. A reason for mac speed is that the programs are self contained, they don't need to call on a file from another part of the system before starting, thus making programs start faster. Also as a result, the same program opened up on windows, will eat up more system resources, the that same program will on mac. This allows mac to multi-task with out the needed power boost, that windows needs. My lesser powered mac runs more programs simultaneously faster and smoother than my upgraded to hell Pc.

Also, can upgrade a Mac. The way they are built, it takes longer to get apart. I upgraded mine from a 160 GB to a 500 GB. HD. I haven't needed to, but you can change the graphics card, and pretty much any other part you want to upgrade. I'd be happy to provide a link on the "how to take apart (upgrade)" instruction video if anyone wants it. You can upgrade more things than people think. But because its harder to take apart people don't think you can do it. and a lot of people, that do know, will take it to a pro to do so they don't screw it up.

Like I said earlier, I still, to this day use both mac and pc, and have done so for 20 years. I like and use them both daily for different reasons. But the one thing I know is that in 20 years i have never had a single problem with any mac, but thats not the case with the MS box. Macs just work. Windows has some advantages, but they are mostly cost related. But I know that my custom 3500 dollar pc, is not quite as fast or as reliable as my 2200 dollar mac. But I won't keep downplaying my Pc because I love it just as much as my mac.

What I hate about mac vs pc crap is saying one is safer than another, when its not completely true. One just comes out of the box safer than the other. But a MS box can become as safe as a mac with 30 minutes extra setup time.
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As for the Mac vs PC argument, all I can say is a) why is it nobody ever says "Check out this Mac I built" and b) why have I never heard of anyone upgrading a Mac?

Thanks, I'll take my massive full tower with lots of room to upgrade.

EDIT: It should also be noted that I'm running XP, which has many years worth of security updates added. Unlike Vista and 7.
Not to be a stickler. Typically mac don't need all that to be more powerful than a MS box thats one reason u don't hear people saying it. A reason for mac speed is that the programs are self contained, they don't need to call on a file from another part of the system before starting, thus making programs start faster. Also as a result, the same program opened up on windows, will eat up more system resources, the that same program will on mac. This allows mac to multi-task with out the needed power boost, that windows needs. My lesser powered mac runs more programs simultaneously faster and smoother than my upgraded to hell Pc.

Also, can upgrade a Mac. The way they are built, it takes longer to get apart. I upgraded mine from a 160 GB to a 500 GB. HD. I haven't needed to, but you can change the graphics card, and pretty much any other part you want to upgrade. I'd be happy to provide a link on the "how to take apart (upgrade)" instruction video if anyone wants it. You can upgrade more things than people think. But because its harder to take apart people don't think you can do it. and a lot of people, that do know, will take it to a pro to do so they don't screw it up.

Like I said earlier, I still, to this day use both mac and pc, and have done so for 20 years. I like and use them both daily for different reasons. But the one thing I know is that in 20 years i have never had a single problem with any mac, but thats not the case with the MS box. Macs just work. Windows has some advantages, but they are mostly cost related. But I know that my custom 3500 dollar pc, is not quite as fast or as reliable as my 2200 dollar mac. But I won't keep downplaying my Pc because I love it just as much as my mac.

What I hate about mac vs pc crap is saying one is safer than another, when its not completely true. One just comes out of the box safer than the other. But a MS box can become as safe as a mac with 30 minutes extra setup time.


I also agree that a pc user who knows what hes doing can have as good a track record as a mac user, but the mac user could be dumb as nails.

I upgraded my imac from 2gb to 4gb and added a 500gb LAcie external HD and its been amazing.
What about Mac viruses I use firewall such as Protemac Netmine. I have Leopard and use it for protects against viruses.It’s helps me a lot.
Mac fanboys stfu. PC fanboys stfu. Macs will see viruses within the next several years... I assure you. The only reason PC is infected more often now is because you target a virus to what has the biggest possibility to spread. The a pc is only cheaper upfront is a stupid argument. PCs are cheaper and if someone knows how to maintain and upgrade their own gear than prices are so much cheaper than buying the newest mac each year. Macs have won the majority share in gaming because the color calibration is generally as near to perfect as we have been able to achieve. In the end all you fanboy ****s are still just hiding behind plastice glass and metal arguing a pointless argument. Chicken or the egg? Who ****ing cares? They both taste good.

well said, i used to only like PC's but have lateley been looking at macs, my only grive is the prive tag, everyone is different get what you want haha

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