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Has TPF been inaccessible most of the day?

No... I didn't see that! I have been on all day...

I was here
I couldn't get on...same 502 Bad Gateway error KmH mentioned. Tried on both the desktop and laptop, and on my phone with no success since about 7 a.m. This is the first time I've finally been able to access the site all day.
I couldn't get on...same 502 Bad Gateway error KmH mentioned. Tried on both the desktop and laptop, and on my phone with no success since about 7 a.m. This is the first time I've finally been able to access the site all day.

Ditto. I was gonna contact you in a bit to see if you were having the same problem.
Had the same problem
I couldn't get on...same 502 Bad Gateway error KmH mentioned. Tried on both the desktop and laptop, and on my phone with no success since about 7 a.m. This is the first time I've finally been able to access the site all day.

Ditto. I was gonna contact you in a bit to see if you were having the same problem.

Great minds think alike. :D I was going to contact you when I got home from church tonight...but then I decided to forego it and take a nap instead, see how this panned out in the morning.

Glad someone got the hamsters running around the wheel again!
I was all like NOOOO!!!!111

And then I got stuff done around the house. :)
Ohhh, I guess for 10 hours or so....came back on-line around 6 PM west-coast time, more or less.
Logged in.

checked other sites... good. So it's TPF. Someone didn't do the update right.

Ah. well.

Guess... got to do something useful.

Rebuild the flood-damaged boathouse.

Paddled 20 km. in 2.5 hours.

Performed three missions of mercy.

Crossed two borders. Incognito.


Maybe TPF should be down more often.

I think you guys were past due on the bill for your server. Thank goodness you paid it.

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