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Greetings from Maine.


TPF Noob!
Jan 13, 2008
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So. Maine
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Figured I'd drop by here before I got posting, say hi. I'm a student living in southern Maine, and just aquired a Nikon D70 with a 28-300mm lens, and I'm loving it already.

Hoping to gain a lot from the forums, see how I can improve things in my work, etc.

See ya on the forums.
Welcome aboard from Indiana!. Glad you joined us. Good camera, so don't be a stranger! Start posting!
Welcome to the forums.

Oh, and by the way, Maine is awesome. I'm up in the Bangor area.

Let's see, student in Southern Maine...University of Southern Maine? Bates? University of New England?
welcome to TPF :)

Oh my God! Three Mainers in one thread! I bet this is a first in TPF's history, eh?:p

probably a first in the history of forums in general around the www :D
i wonder if all 3 are the same person.....stephen king !
Welcome aboard.
Welcome to the forum, Lonely Traveler :D

Is that what you call them? I always thought people from Maine were Maineiacs :mrgreen:

My wife's family is from Caribou and it is pretty nice up there too.

Caribou is a nice area, I agree. Northern Maine is getting bad though, like, the economy up there sucks, a lot, which is a shame, beautiful area. Yeah, some people say Mainers, some say Maineiacs. I just say Mainer.

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