FAV TPF Noob! Joined Jun 3, 2006 Messages 84 Reaction score 0 Location Craiova - RO Jun 3, 2006 #1 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Antarctican No longer a newbie, moving up! Joined Jan 10, 2006 Messages 24,892 Reaction score 81 Location The Great White North Can others edit my Photos Photos OK to edit Jun 3, 2006 #2 Heyyy, thanks for sharing pictures of your corner of the world. Love the shots of the pond with all the waterlilies. I especially like the composition of the last shot
Heyyy, thanks for sharing pictures of your corner of the world. Love the shots of the pond with all the waterlilies. I especially like the composition of the last shot
FAV TPF Noob! Joined Jun 3, 2006 Messages 84 Reaction score 0 Location Craiova - RO Jun 8, 2006 Thread Starter 🔹 #3 thaks for your words. I hope to be back soon with more photos.