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Green in Sepia


A naughty little bunny...
Nov 28, 2011
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I've been shooting this particular plant for a while now looking for shots that are a little ambiguous so it's not as "in your face" what it is, but still show the beauty of said plant.
Would love to hear your thoughts, thanks for taking a look!

It is OK. Nothing exciting for me. Doable.

I would spot it. You got a couple areas that need attention.
This image is delicate indeed, in tones and softness. This particular compo... maybe that just me, but I like the style.
I love the idea here Pix, but yeah, this just isn't doing it for me. Too many lines going in too many different directions, that one blurred out slanted line going all the way across about halfway up the photo is distracting for me--my eye just ends up not settling anywhere.
I do like the color and the "softness" of it, but this particular composition just isn't floating my boat. :D
I love the idea here Pix, but yeah, this just isn't doing it for me. Too many lines going in too many different directions, that one blurred out slanted line going all the way across about halfway up the photo is distracting for me--my eye just ends up not settling anywhere.
I do like the color and the "softness" of it, but this particular composition just isn't floating my boat. :D

What she said, yes.
Thanks so much everyone, I should TOTALLY know better than to post a picture when I'm not done editing the whole set, I can agree with this being too busy, I suppose in my quest to be ambiguous I sacrificed simplicity, I think I like what you guys like and can now see the issues you have with it and agree.


EDIT: hold that thought, omg I'm a scatterbrain today! Gotta love those days ;)
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Ok trying again and I'm meh on it now. I think I will leave this be and grab my camera and go to my happy place ;)

I'm in agreement with others on the first photo - too busy, but I do like the processing, the tones in this are really nice. The second composition doesn't really grab me either. It just doesn't feel complete enough.
Thanks Carol, I agree, I love the feeling of both of these, the lines and tones, but the compositions are falling short and I think that's because I'm trying too hard to make it ambiguous. I'm going to suck it up and revisit this with less of a focus on hiding what it is :) I know my shot is there!
I love the feeling of both of these, the lines and tones, but the compositions are falling short and I think that's because I'm trying too hard to make it ambiguous. I'm going to suck it up and revisit this with less of a focus on hiding what it is :) I know my shot is there!
From the shapes of leaves we know what is it
http://hablemosdeem.com/desdemibalcon/wp-content/uploads/2010/01/cannabis_plant_pictures.jpg :lmao:
It is only a plant. Cannot you modify it a bit for the sake of art ?
Ah, yes. That plant and I made quite a few B&W photos back in the day.
My first thought was that looks like ___! so once my mind went there, that was it for seeing it any differently. Overall it's too light for my preferences but I like more contrast. I agree, the shapes and lines of the leaves and stems might need to be balanced differently for a more effective composition.

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