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Grave yard


Mental case
Dec 14, 2003
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F@cking Hell
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On the drive home last night, the fog was so bad, ya could barely see in front of ya. Soo...what a great time to find an old cemetery. This one was called Thornhill Cemetery. It is a very old pioneer cemetery buried in a residential area. The fog really spiced up the look to it, so I snapped a few pics. It was also really late in the evening and was getting dark.



chiller...these are so cool...the last one looks like a scene in exorcist...

love them both..the fog makes it...

hey, btw, this is the first time i got to see the new avatar....soooo cool !!!
Wow Chiller, these are really really cool!! Absolutely shed loads of atmosphere! Very very good job, possibly the best cemetery shots I've ever seen.

Great :thumbup: :thumbup: :thumbup:
ceecookie said:
wad a pity its grainy...other wise its a very nice photo....

:lol: that's what makes the shot!

excellent mood you've captured Chilly. well done! :thumbup:
Unbelievable captures, Chiller! Imagine if it had been tonight, with the full moon?? AaaaoooooOOOO.
I agree with all the above comments about the pics looking like a scene from a movie. A very scary movie.
JonMikal said:
:lol: that's what makes the shot!

excellent mood you've captured Chilly. well done! :thumbup:

how come grainy is better?:?:
without the grains it will be better?
JonMikal said:
:lol: that's what makes the shot!
excellent mood you've captured Chilly. well done! :thumbup:

Exactly!..... i wouldn't have it any other way...... cem shots break rules.

These are very cool, love the mist and grain, great addition to the cem shot archives... good work chiller :thumbup:
Thanks all for your awesome comments.

aprilraven....Its aboot time ya'all go back here.:hugs: Missed ya.

Antarctican....would that be cool or what.. the fog and a full moon?

ceecookie...welcome to the darkside my friend:lol: Thanks for your reply. The grain is intentional. Partly due to the fact the fog was so thick, I could barely see the stones, and it was dark. Sooo... I went for that grainycreepyAlfredHitchcock feel.
Over here in the dark gallery, we tend to go for a dark mood and feel to our pics, so you will see things that tend to ...well.. break rules, and are a little out of the ordinary. We all take "normal" pics...that dont have grain too. :D
Thanks again.
Excellent shots chiller! Love the fog! I can feel rather than see things lurking out there! Great job!
Thanks Linda...but..there are things out there.

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