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Grainy Grain Field.


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Oct 16, 2012
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Maxed out the camera at 25600 ISO just for S&G, rather like how this came out despite the high noise.

Near pitch black, could barely make out the tree.

iso25600 by runnah555, on Flickr
Huh...All things considered...not bad
What a lovely shot - this is something I would like to learn to do, take interesting shots when it's dark like this. Usually when I attempt to take a picture of the night sky/landscape I just capture unidentifiable lights lol
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Thanks. Now to go back on a brighter night
Shot on digital so its not grain just noise
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Well yes, it's noise, not grain, but I agree that you had to go for the snark. Always go for the snark.

As for the photo, I really love it, my only quibble being that the midtones on the ground look a bit muddy. Is there a way to selectively increase the contrast just a bit on the ground? Okay, I'm pretty sure it's possible, but I just have no idea how to do it because of my pp software noobness. Noobity?
Shot on digital so its not grain just noise

But I couldn't have made the corn and grain joke.

You should not use words associated with Film, film is the future :D this is a grainy grain field :D
You won't win Gary, young generation (in general) is using wording taken from film photography and apply to digital. Mostly it's a fashion as it is nice to play AA or HCB or GW etc. For most it's impossible to play with real photosensitive materials, so they are happy to play with artificial version. Let them be. :sun:
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You won't win Gary, young generation (in general) is using wording taken from film photography and apply to digital. Mostly it's a fashion as it is nice to play AA or HCB or GW etc. For most it's impossible to play with real photosensitive materials, so they are happy to play with artificial version. Let them be. :sun:

Sorry to have made such an egregious faux pas! I shant use such hallowed words again!
You won't win Gary, young generation (in general) is using wording taken from film photography and apply to digital. Mostly it's a fashion as it is nice to play AA or HCB or GW etc. For most it's impossible to play with real photosensitive materials, so they are happy to play with artificial version. Let them be. :sun:

Sorry to have made such a egregious faux pas! I shant use such hallowed words again!

Don't worry runnah, you're being flicked chit from gsgary...the doctor got the wheat and the chaff mixed up when gary was born...so, rest easy, our bearded friend....enjoy a grain alcohol beverage and fuggedabout it... ;-)

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