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Got the magnets finally. Lookin good


TPF Noob!
Nov 13, 2008
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In between her...
Can others edit my Photos
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Now gotta start getting some clients off it :)

And put the window sticker on the back of the car.

I like the font. Looks nice.
Thanks guys. Size is good enough?

Infidel, no leaks. That is water I believe since just got the car washed.
Maybe its just me, but it doesn't quite look level...The right side looks a touch low. Other than that, pretty cool, hopefully it works for ya.
Maybe its just me, but it doesn't quite look level...The right side looks a touch low. Other than that, pretty cool, hopefully it works for ya.

You're not the only one. Looks a little off too but it's too cold so I came back in :D Beside I think it is fine as long as it's not too off while driving, most people won't notice.
Ya, no big deal. I don't see 3 feet of snow.. how cold could it be?? haha
Willis, 22 degrees plus wind. I'm guessing high teens lol and I just came from the wedding which the couple ended up canceling the shoot because of the freezing cold. So that's going to get postponed till it's at least 40's haha

Blue, thanks!
Everyone... call Momo now! Text him!
Haha I wish that I could say that was cold
Nice website.

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