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Not only GIMP, but I use pain shop pro. I know how to use it and everything but it stinks when someone tells me to try something and I can't cause I don't have Adobe PS!
That seems so inefficient to have multiple forums for different graphics programs. That's why the forum is named "Examples, How-To's and Graphics Program Tutorials" as opposed to "Examples, How-To's and Adobe photoshop"
voodoocat said:
That seems so inefficient to have multiple forums for different graphics programs. That's why the forum is named "Examples, How-To's and Graphics Program Tutorials" as opposed to "Examples, How-To's and Adobe photoshop"

Yes, Voods is right. If we had a separate forum for every graphics program, we'd have a lot of clutter. I understand your frustration though. Try using the search function at the top right...it can often make things a lot easier. And if you can't find what you are looking for, don't be afraid to start yoru own thread asking for what you would like to know about that specific program. :)
90% of the things you do in photoshop work very similarly in Gimp and PSP, so it's kind of redundant.

Another reason is that Photoshop is the industry standard image editing software.
Well, i understand... thanks for making that a little clearer...
it would be neat to find all of those who use gimp (i feel all alone:meh:) and would be great to know if anyone has written any plugins for gimp... or even stuff like that (i should really be writing this comment tomorrow morn when i am more awake....)... anyways... i think i will take the suggestion and start a new thread and see if i can get some conversaiton from my fellow gimp loving users :D...Thanks for the idea... I will also try the search thing... never thought of that before... it so great to have other people thinking! I have new mommy brain... they say we lose a few brain cells when ever we have a baby... lol

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