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GF3 w/Olympus 15mm F8.0


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Oct 21, 2016
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The Olympus Bodycap lens (15mm F8.0) was not a wonderfully sharp lens. I thought of it as a convenience lens. (corrected focal length 240822 14:37)

[Following 2 paragraphs added Aug 24, 2024]
When I first recorded the video in this post, I was thinking about how the Panasonic S9 with its 26mm F8 lens seemed to be inspired by this camera and body combination. The compactness, at the time, fulfilled the promise of "Micro 4/3" system. Its reputation was specifically that it was so much smaller and lighter than the DSLRs of its day. This combination is legitimately pocket-able, though until lately, I have never tried to use it that way. Due to weight, I prefer to use it on a camera strap, and wear it aroud my neck or on my shoulder.

The new Panasonic setup should produce much sharper and detailed still images, and of course it has much better (4K) video. However, it is still hindered by its video recording time limits.



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"250216 Toronto snowfall Lumix GF3 Olympus 15mm F8.0"
This is a video file recorded using my Panasonic GF3 with my Olympus "body-cap lens". There were two versions of the "body-cap lens" released. One was a "fish-eye" lens, which I did not buy. This "rectilinear" version was more to my taste. When I bought it, I had already had "action cameras" with fish-eye lenses, and to this day, I still have a couple. If I want to use one, I can do so, but I rarely do.

As for the snow storm, I can't remember exactly, but the recent weather does not really strike me as unusual. I think that if I researched it (back maybe 5 - 8 years) this winter was probably "typical".
[I changed the name of this post, and I should change the name of the clip later. It was not a "storm". It was a gentle snowfall in this clip.]

"250216 Toronto snowstorm Lumix GF3 Olympus 15mm F8.0"
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