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Geez wow bother with a bird feeder.

Mar 24, 2013
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I been trying to figure out how I go through more then 10lbs of bird seed in about two weeks.I look out my window and notice the bird feeder is empty every other day.Birds Do eat a lot but this is ridiculous and getting costly.Here is why my feeder is empty.


DSC_0006 by DarkShadow191145, on Flickr
I'd be a lot happier if it were just an entire flock of sparrows eating my seeds! In my yard, what happens is something entirely too big tries to land on the feeder--grackles are often the culprits. They end up knocking it over and the next thing I know, there are two dozens mourning doves gathered in my yard, having a feast on the fallen seeds.
LOL.I had that issue with my feeder falling to the ground or the metal ground mount pole swing around.So I Taped the feeder from swinging off and cemented the pole in the ground.:lol: So now the birds just toss the seed out to the ground.
My problem is the Squirrels and the Deer . The Deer will use it's head to knock the seeds out ,the fuzzie Tailed Rodents just hang on while grabbing handfuls ,stuffing their mouths ....lol . Black Oil Sunflower seeds will slow down the seed scattering some .The chickadees will through out the millet to get to the sunflower seeds,in the mixed type food. . Ever try Meal worms ? you will attract a whole deferent type of birds.
I'm with hopdaddy about the squirrels, but deer aren't a bother. Birds on the ground are a good thing.

I run through a 40lb bag of Black Oiled Sunflower seeds and 10 cakes of suet about every three weeks. I like seeing all the traffic around the feeders, so the associated cost is something I'm agreeable with.

Long tube feeders by Droll Yankee seem to be pretty good. The squirrels can still figure out how to get to the seed, but they have to work for it.
I have a cardinal that literally scoops food out on purpose to his fatter friends below. I've often seen him pick up seeds and fly them over to a female cardinal and feed her.

then the squirrels figured out how get onto them and it was game over; I had to cease feeding for a while because i was creating a super species of birds, squirrels, rabbits and chipmunks. Seriously, at one time I'd probably count 5-6 squirrels, a chimpmunk, 5-10 birds, and a rabbit or two feeding.
I'm with hopdaddy about the squirrels, but deer aren't a bother. Birds on the ground are a good thing.

I run through a 40lb bag of Black Oiled Sunflower seeds and 10 cakes of suet about every three weeks. I like seeing all the traffic around the feeders, so the associated cost is something I'm agreeable with.

Long tube feeders by Droll Yankee seem to be pretty good. The squirrels can still figure out how to get to the seed, but they have to work for it.

Speaking of wildlife photography , Why am I not seeing some of your Pro-level photography on here . Not to mention your tut on photographing Hummers ?
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My problem is the Squirrels and the Deer . The Deer will use it's head to knock the seeds out ,the fuzzie Tailed Rodents just hang on while grabbing handfuls ,stuffing their mouths ....lol . Black Oil Sunflower seeds will slow down the seed scattering some .The chickadees will through out the millet to get to the sunflower seeds,in the mixed type food. . Ever try Meal worms ? you will attract a whole deferent type of birds.

I have been considering meal worms lately. Tired of the same old birds :)
Don't have feeders now, but when we did we too were plagued by squirrels. We had so many I never understood why the red-tailed hawks didn't pay a visit and help us out.
I'm with hopdaddy about the squirrels, but deer aren't a bother. Birds on the ground are a good thing.

I run through a 40lb bag of Black Oiled Sunflower seeds and 10 cakes of suet about every three weeks. I like seeing all the traffic around the feeders, so the associated cost is something I'm agreeable with.

Long tube feeders by Droll Yankee seem to be pretty good. The squirrels can still figure out how to get to the seed, but they have to work for it.

Speaking of wildlife photography , Why am I not seeing some of your Pro-level photography on here . Not to mention your tut on photographing Hummers ?
Yea he has been quit lately.Hopefully soon he will send us a jaw drooper.
Where do you guys put the meals worms,on the ground? I should just through everything on the ground since it ends up there anyways.

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