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Gear for a prom shoot?


TPF Noob!
Mar 25, 2012
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South FL
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what's up everyone, I need some gear advice for a shoot. Today i was asked to help shoot a prom because the hired photography can't make it. The thing is, the prom is this Friday 5/18 so I would need to get anything else needed asap. My current set up is a d7000 with an mb-d11, two sb-600's, a 50mm 1.8d, a 70-300 VR and I figured I would bring my 10.5 fisheye along to take some fun pics. I'm wondering if I would need to pick up another lens or if I would be alright with that set up. Any helpful inputs would be great. Thanks
What modifiers do you have for the SB-600's?

I'm assuming you're going to be shooting formals, though you don't actually say so.

But, that's usually what prom photos are all about, rather than candids.
Are you setting up a propped area for formals? If so, you may need more stuff, along with some practice before hand. If you are patrolling the crowd for candids, maybe just a wider lens. I wouldn't use the 10.5 much. The 50mm is ok but you might find space being an issue. Aside from that, for the informal shots, you should be ok. IMHO. Just learn how to bounce the flash.
If I did not read wrong, you might be missing a general purpose zoom, such as the 16-85. A cheaper alternative is the 18-105. A more expensive one is the 17-55.

Without such lens, you'll find it hard to take group shots. The fisheye might help, but you'll want to take some non-distorted group photos. Unless the room is really huge and you can stop everyone from passing by, the 50 won't help you there.

Enjoy your prom photos!
formals i already have down so I'm not worried about that, it was just the candids i was thinking would be an issue because of the 50mm would be too long and I'm not sure how big the place is. i was looking into the 17-55 2.8 or would any other primes work? also wouldn't i be able to straighten the fisheye pics in post processing? or will they still look a bit distorted?
Remember that in poor, dim light, using SINGLE shot AF mode is required to get the AF-assist system to work. SO, for those dance floor candids...shoot with the AF assist enabled, and the AF system set to Single shot AF. The 70-300 will be nearly useless indoors.

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