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Full Critique Welcome - 2 of my favourite images from my recent trip to Budapest...

Charlie Gardiner

TPF Noob!
Mar 23, 2017
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Barcelona, Spain
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I recently got back from a weekend in Budapest and these are 2 of my favourite images from the trip. Id love to get some other opinions from you all so fire away! All constructive critisism welcome!

IMAGE 1 (Trams in Budapest):

IMAGE 2 (Barge on the Danube):

Thanks in advance!
the selective color actually doesnt bother me tooo much because it just appears to be a muted/foggy scene with the yellow being the only color... otherwise it completely makes no sense.

the first thing that really stands out to me in both is the lean to the right...
#1 A good composition, but could have been better by including something of human interest.

#2 The large expanse of blank sky does not balance with the lower part of the image.
I really like the second one - I don't mind the amount of sky because it gives a sense of scale. But I'd like to see more contrast. Mid-greys seem a bit muddy.

The first one feels a bit claustrophobic. I wish I could see a bit more sky. Otherwise, it's a nice composition. Selective color isn't my favorite thing, but at least in this image, I can see that it serves a purpose of reducing the clutter a bit. All the lines and windows of the trams would compete with the lines and windows of the building behind them, the tracks, the cars on the right of the frame. In other words, it's kind of a busy image, which is possibly why I want to see more sky, more breathing space.
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They don't say Budapest to me. The first says tram to me and the second says barge, bridge and fog in a most unexciting fashion. Most photographs are communication tools. They are no different than the written word. What stories are you conveying with these images?
Thanks for the feedback everyone, all taken on board and much appriciated. I was a little worried about what people might say as it's the first time I have posted any pictures for a full critique but I have to say all very constructive. Thanks for taking the time out to review them!
The top one works reasonably well for me except the selective color. This image to me doesn't really lend itself to that. I like the composition overall though...

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