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Frist critique


TPF Noob!
Jul 15, 2006
Reaction score
Salem/Keizer, OR
Hey, I'm new here.

Okay, so I love this photo but I KNOW there is room for improvement.

It has a lot of emotion and thats a good thing.... It had a fundamentally nice compositon and that is nice... I am sure it means a lot to you because of who the people are and it has a universal appeal.

Im not much on this kind of thing but I think the color is off. You might want to take out some of the red. The very bright (they say blownout around here) area on the little girls face is distracting but you cant do anything about it now. I would say mostly to improve it change the color balance.

Please dont rush off to do anything until you hear from the real experts on this stuff...
Hallo icepuppet and welcome to ThePhotoForum.
Your very nice photo of grandfather and granddaughter should best go into our General Gallery here since you are asking for some general critique and just pointers to what you can do - our guidelines for Critique are a little stricter.
I'll move it for you.
Hi Icepuppet, and welcome the TPF - good to have you here. :)

It's not hard to understand that this shot means a lot to you and your family, though shooting agains the lights from the window IMO should have been avoided. The outdoor light is so strong, that the entire right side of the girls face is blownout, which is the most distracting thing with this shot. The window itself is also blownout, and that is a bit distracting as well.

.. The composition is good! I really like the emotion in their faces, and this is - by far, a keeper!

Let's see some more. :D
I love how they are looking into each other's eyes, and she looks so happy. It's a great shot just because you were able to capture that moment, even if the light was a little bright in the window (and that didn't even bother me), since this picture means more than the technicalities. Welcome to the forum!

I think they're well-lit, despite the back lighting. I didn't notice the strong light in the windows either - the first thing my eye went to was how happy the little girl was. It's a very sweet picture, and somehow very emotional to me.

I love it.
mysteryscribe said:
It has a lot of emotion and thats a good thing.... It had a fundamentally nice compositon and that is nice... I am sure it means a lot to you because of who the people are and it has a universal appeal.

Im not much on this kind of thing but I think the color is off. You might want to take out some of the red. The very bright (they say blownout around here) area on the little girls face is distracting but you cant do anything about it now. I would say mostly to improve it change the color balance.

Please dont rush off to do anything until you hear from the real experts on this stuff...
Thank you! I did remove some of the red and I like it a lot more now!
LaFoto said:
Hallo icepuppet and welcome to ThePhotoForum.
Your very nice photo of grandfather and granddaughter should best go into our General Gallery here since you are asking for some general critique and just pointers to what you can do - our guidelines for Critique are a little stricter.
I'll move it for you.


That's my cousin and my uncle. xD
It's a lovely shot and does show a lot of emotion :D

It would love lovely as a black and white photo too I would think :)
I like it a lot... the composition and moment you caught surpases the technical faults so far for me..... The magenta/yellow is a tad high and a few spots are blown, nothing you can do now about the blownouts....

I really enjoy the use of wide aperature here. You probably had to do it to get a non blurry shot here in moderate indoor light, but it came out well since nothing in the background really competes with the subject.....

Well done !!!!!
i think shots like this- capturing moments and glances and feelings that are a one-time thing- this is the biggest reason i love photography so much.
That is one adorable little girl. The blownout portions of the shot can be easily overlooked in this photo, something that isn't easy to do usually. I find it easy to ignore the bright portions of the picture because there is just so much emotion in the picture, it doesn't need to be shot perfectly to perfectly convey the message.

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