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Flowers, flowers, more flowers


TPF Noob!
Apr 6, 2006
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The Mighty Midwest
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All of these were taken sometime within the past week or so.

#1 Daffodils

#2 Daffodils in B&W

#3 Orange Tulip

#4 Red & Yellow Tulips

#5 More Daffodils

#6 Anyone know what kind of flower this is?

#7 Bud

#8 Not sure what these pink ones are either

#9 Orange Tulip... again

Thanks for looking :)
#8 appears to be a hyacinth. I like #1, and #2 is almost haunting (in a good way)!

carddesigner said:
#2 is almost haunting (in a good way)

Thanks; I was debating putting it in the Dark Side, but second-guessed and put it here with the rest of the series
nice... I like the black and white best because the colours look a bit weird... over exposed or burned... or too saturated for me... but this is a common problem when shooting flowers in full sun. And remember about focus - in the last one it is the ground sharp - not the flower
I like #1. The colors are a bit over the top but it works for me. #6 is a Double Daffodil.
Thanks for your flower insights, digital.
Mentos... do you have any idea how to lessen that full-sunlight oversaturation? I had tried just toning down the saturation in each picture, but didnt like the results much. Any tricks or tips for that?
I would like the orange tulip on Photo 3 best of all (most interesting point ot view) if not your focus had slipped beyond the flower itself in that one, too.
And I took a photo of a tulip field in DC in the fullest of a full sun and even on my little display it looked odd, like a graphic, a painting, but not like a photo, and the effect has not changed. It still looks all wrong. I could show it just to show how funny the outcome can be if you shoot intensely coloured flowers in bright sunlight.
I like the angle of #3...
Very nice series!
Flowers are wonderfully colorful subjects!

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