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Flowers C&C...


TPF Noob!
Jun 13, 2009
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north carolina
Can others edit my Photos
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Shot with Canon XSi with sigma 28-80mm macro.




#1) The name across the center kills it. The image is out of focus, and centered. It could be improved by cropping out the dead flower in the bottom right corner.

#2) The petals are over exposed and the flower is centered. The image could be improved by cropping just above the hot spots on the petals, and from the right side of the frame, which would get rid of the little distracting thing in the upper right corner.

#3) This shot is probably the best from this set, but again it is centered. It's ok to move the petals around to cover up things like the green part of the plant that is protruding through them.

#4) Same as the others with the centered subject. The flowers look over saturated (as red objects often do), and you might have over sharpened the image,.. there is some kind of haloing going on.
#1) The name across the center kills it. The image is out of focus, and centered. It could be improved by cropping out the dead flower in the bottom right corner.

#2) The petals are over exposed and the flower is centered. The image could be improved by cropping just above the hot spots on the petals, and from the right side of the frame, which would get rid of the little distracting thing in the upper right corner.

#3) This shot is probably the best from this set, but again it is centered. It's ok to move the petals around to cover up things like the green part of the plant that is protruding through them.

#4) Same as the others with the centered subject. The flowers look over saturated (as red objects often do), and you might have over sharpened the image,.. there is some kind of haloing going on.
# 3 is not quite centered but close lol.... so people even use the rule of thirds in macro pic?:scratch:
# 3 is not quite centered but close lol.... so people even use the rule of thirds in macro pic?:scratch:

Not every time, but macro pictures should have good compositions just like any other type of photograph. The next time you photograph flowers try using the rule and see if it isn't more pleasing to your eyes once you have the image uploaded to your computer.
Something else to consider along the lines of what paulk 68 said.... composition.

I really don't have much of an issue with centralized composition with macro because usually the central portion of the frame is what's important to the photographer. However with yours, the thoughts were of flowers, but not one of these has the entire flower in frame nor is the crop such that a portion of the flower is actually the subject. They really are somewhere in between to my eyes.

Nice bokeh on the lens. :thumbsup:
yeah i was more concerned about getting just the bud in the frame.

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