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First Set and I'm hooked..


TPF Noob!
Jun 15, 2009
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Manhattan Beach, CA
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First time shooting with my Spotmatic II and I am addicted. Waiting for the b&w film I ordered and see how I do with those ones. I settled with Fuji X-TRA 400 just to test how the metering is and if the camera has any light leaks. So far so good, I think.





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Looks very good.:thumbup:
I love me a Spotmatic. Good pictures.
Great set! You have every reason to be pleased. :)

I've moved this thread (slightly) from the Alternative Processes forum to the Film Discussion - simply to remind everyone that just shooting film is not an alternative photographic process. ;)

Keep shooting and posting!
Hey, awesome, I just got this exact camera and film. If mine turn out as nice as yours I'll be happy! I bought mine to use the Helios 44m-7 on, what lens did you use?

I'm very pleased with the focusing "spot" in the viewfinder, I actually prefer it over the OM2n's focusing screen.
Thanks timor & limr!

Thanks Terri, sorry about t
Great set! You have every reason to be pleased. :)

I've moved this thread (slightly) from the Alternative Processes forum to the Film Discussion - simply to remind everyone that just shooting film is not an alternative photographic process. ;)

Keep shooting and posting!
Thanks! Im using the 50mm 1.8 TAKUMAR that it came with. Trying to finish the last roll from the pack then gonna try out the Ilford and Kodak that I bought.

Hey, awesome, I just got this exact camera and film. If mine turn out as nice as yours I'll be happy! I bought mine to use the Helios 44m-7 on, what lens did you use?

I'm very pleased with the focusing "spot" in the viewfinder, I actually prefer it over the OM2n's focusing screen.
Yes, nice pictures, Pakyooh! I love the restaurant scene with the reaching arm reflected in the window. These have lovely color, and show a nice vision. Ah, the Spotmatic....SUCH a wonderful machine it was, and is! I think the Super-Takumar m42 lenses are pretty nice. I own a few, and think they have a wonderful drawing style.
simply to remind everyone that just shooting film is not an alternative photographic process. ;)
I think for all the young people born into the digital era it is. :lol:
Hey, awesome, I just got this exact camera and film. If mine turn out as nice as yours I'll be happy! I bought mine to use the Helios 44m-7 on,
Helios is not that sharp but it also makes pleasing pictures.
Seems like the Pentax K and Spotmatics were always popular, and that the Takumars are nice sharp lenses. I like the restaurant photo too, glad you're enjoying using the camera and shooting film.

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