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First pics posted up!


TPF Noob!
Dec 3, 2007
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Roanoke, Va
Can others edit my Photos
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I shot these photos while doing a little walking around downtown. Advice would be greatly appreciated. :)


By jshelto3, shot with NIKON D100 at 2008-02-06


By jshelto3, shot with NIKON D100 at 2008-02-06


By jshelto3, shot with NIKON D100 at 2008-02-06


By jshelto3, shot with NIKON D100 at 2008-02-06
I like the first shot alot, it looks a little grainy, but outside of that really nice. As for the other three you might want to try some different angles to create a more interesting picture, but it will come with time
What exactly causes the grainy look of the picture. I'm not too sure what to do about that. Thanks for the words though. Keep them coming.

Here, I editted the levels a bit and took out most of the 'noise'.. Hope you dont mind.
I don't mind at all. Doesn't the photo look like there is a little too much contrast though. Maybe it is just my computer screen.
What exactly causes the grainy look of the picture. I'm not too sure what to do about that. Thanks for the words though. Keep them coming.

the grain (noise) can be caused by a high ISO setting...The higher the ISO, the more sensitive the sensor is to light.

I usually start noticing grain at about 800 ISO, but sometimes you have to if there's not enough light for a good exposure. For an outdoor shot like that with a lot of sun, I'd prolly go with 200 ISO or so..
Definately, I looked over my settings one more time and I noticed that I had left the iso at 800 from the time before. LOL. I got a little careless. Oh well.

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