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First page from my novel "The Surface of the Sun"

unpopular said:
I'm not about to pandor to an audience.

Isn't that a little narcissistic lol

I meant: are you writing because you like writing or are you writing for others to read?

And if you aren't writing for an audience then why care what anyone says about your writing?

I'll be the first to admit that I don't create things solely for myself. I'm not that humble. Hell no. I photograph for attention and self-reassurance.

I really understand what you're saying. If I was really good, I wouldn't want to feel like I'm selling out...but...Not pandering to an audience doesn't mean that your writing will be...considered good by any audience.

And if that's the case then you won't be considered a great artist any time soon.

And the internet changed everything. I'm not sure that there will be any more "hated in life,loved in death" pieces of art.
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Some audiences might think what I do is good, some audiences might think what I am doing is bad. Yeah, I hope that some people will appreciate what I'm doing, but ultimately what I do is my way of understanding, not for the placation of people's sensibilities. If I can reach out and say something meaningful to someone else, that's great, and I appreciate that as much as the next guy - if not moreso because it so rarely happens.

If I am going to be admired, I hope it's for something of substance - otherwise, I really don't care if I am admired or not.

(before it goes down this route, I don't mean to say "write all the typos you want, garble all the sentences blow out the hilights, clip those shadows" so long as it's art and has a higher purpose. there is no excuse for just blatantly poor grammar and bad photography)
unpopular said:
I'm not about to pandor to an audience.

Isn't that a little narcissistic lol

I meant: are you writing because you like writing or are you writing for others to read?

And if you aren't writing for an audience then why care what anyone says about your writing?

I'll be the first to admit that I don't create things solely for myself. I'm not that humble. Hell no. I photograph for attention and self-reassurance.

I really understand what you're saying. If I was really good, I wouldn't want to feel like I'm selling out...but...Not pandering to an audience doesn't mean that your writing will be...considered good by any audience.

And if that's the case then you won't be considered a great artist any time soon.

And the internet changed everything. I'm not sure that there will be any more "hated in life,loved in death" pieces of art.

I do so love indentured students...except grad students looking for a degree in creative writing...ugh! I was a lab assistant in the pottery and photo labs. I mixed clay by day, chemicals by night. It was easy work, decent pay and kept me out of trouble.
Writing is easy: all you do is sit staring at a blank sheet of paper until the drops of blood form on your forehead.
- Gene Fowler


Sounds like you're going at this in a free writing style, and there's nothing wrong with that. Gets a lot of words on paper and then you go back and read it to see where your brain has taken you. Frankly, I think you're brave to have put it out there in this fashion. A lot of writers won't put anything out there until it's been edited and re-edited and they're on their tenth revision or so.... :lol:

That said, you've not given up much as to where you're heading with this. Some sort of hook, even a tiny one leading to a larger one, would be good to see.
I know! I'm totally stuck!

I know what I want, I just have no idea how to get there. I'm really wanting to keep going, and once I do I think it'll not be so hard. But man, getting past this point is hard. Periodically I go back to it, but to no avail.
Just keep doing what you're doing. You might even want to keep a pad of paper and a pen on the nightstand - you could wake up in the middle of the night with some phrases jangling in your head that make things crystal clear, and you won't want to lose them. :) Your peripheral brain is working on this for you, on the sly.

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