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First Car Photoshoot!


TPF Noob!
Apr 29, 2007
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New York, Bronx/Westchester
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My friends car wins a good amount of car shows so I wanted to take some shots of his car. We could only pull it out in front of the garage and could not take it out to a good location. So I had not much to work with but I tried my best.






Nice, I'm trying to get my images to look vibrant in color as well.

Engine bay looks meticulous.
My car has 4 wheels and engine and a steering wheel....Oh and a seat belt.

and it doesn't have all the shiny red things that make it looks cool on the engine. As a matter of fact its got a really dirty engine, and body.

Oh well, I spend all my money on photo gear. :)
Not into my jap cars really, but loving photo 2 :thumbup:
Nice pictures! I just posted some of my first multiple car photo shoot. My only advice would be to find a less cluttered background :) The second shot is great.
Two and four are my favourites. Nicely caught!

nice little hatch, interesting air filter setup, does it lay flat on the hood with a small cowl???

those cam gears are a thing of beauty
JDM tyte yO!

Seriously though, nice photos. 2 and 4 are my favorite. Like you said the HDR would have been better in a nicer location.

BTW; that ARC intake probably cost a pretty penny! well, come to think of it everything on that car did. He didn't cut corners. It's a bit overdone for my taste, but each to their own i guess.

oh and why have the antenna on the bumper? looks dumb

Nice shots!
JDM tyte yO!

Seriously though, nice photos. 2 and 4 are my favorite. Like you said the HDR would have been better in a nicer location.

BTW; that ARC intake probably cost a pretty penny! well, come to think of it everything on that car did. He didn't cut corners. It's a bit overdone for my taste, but each to their own i guess.

oh and why have the antenna on the bumper? looks dumb

Nice shots!

That "antenna" is really a parking meter. It is put on the bumper to help you judge how far away you are from the object in front of you. Some JDM cars have these as parking is very tight over there.
The photos look really nice considering the location limitations. The reds may be slightly oversaturated, but they kinda work in this style of photo. The engine shots are cool, but one thing i'm wishing is for a straight engine bay shot. If this were in a magazine, i'd want to see what's going on under the hood in more detail. The angles don't really let me.

That "antenna" is really a parking meter. It is put on the bumper to help you judge how far away you are from the object in front of you. Some JDM cars have these as parking is very tight over there.

Modern day 'curb feelers'.. jdm or no, i probably wouldn't put those on a car I owned.. just looks goofy IMO
Good effort with the HDR, i think it would have been better with some remote flashes, instead.
2) is good showing the working, the CAM timing belts?
I think for the next time, if there is one, a different location would help, rather than on the drive. But i like the angles, there different to what most people would shoot, which is good, outside the box. They seem to be fairly clean and crisp as well, so yea nice first go, looking forward to the next one!

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