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First Attempt at Water Drops C&C


TPF Noob!
Sep 5, 2010
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I was bored today, so finally decided to try some shots of water drops. I know these are not great, but I've learned enough from this first time to make them better next time.

I'd appreciate your comments. Thanks!



Their pretty good did you do them handheld or did you use a tripod?
#3 is my favorite by far, good work :thumbup:

do you mind devulging your gear, settings and setup? i've always wanted to get shots like this
I like #3 also - that beautifully formed droplet looks great! Not sure if it's the green that grabs my attention more than the blue or what but that one stands out the most to me. #2 looks a little... fuzzy or lacking something. I can't put words to it right now but it doesn't do anything for me.
Try different angles, and bouncing light off of different backgrounds. These are great, but a shallower angle will add a lot of depth to the shot, and taking them from directly overhead makes for a really neat effect. Also having light reflecting off of colorful backgrounds adds quite a bit too! Besides, it would give you the chance to set it up again, and take more pictures.

I've done the water droplets thing about a dozen times, and I'm still not tired of it. I'm not sure if its because I'm a window-licking simpleton or if its just that fun, but either way I'm not done with it. Not by a long shot. :D
A lower angle would be better, did you bounce the light off colored backgrounds or did you add the color in PP? It looks better when using colored construction paper or something. I used a clear pan and put paper under it and bounced flash off a piece on the side and got very good results.
+1 on a different angle

EXIF? The green one looks like a high ISO shot.
A lower angle would be better, did you bounce the light off colored backgrounds or did you add the color in PP? It looks better when using colored construction paper or something. I used a clear pan and put paper under it and bounced flash off a piece on the side and got very good results.

I used colored construction paper under and behind a clear bowl of clear water. Changed the paper to change the color.
+1 on a different angle

EXIF? The green one looks like a high ISO shot.

Haven't checked EXIF, but I'm sure ISO was quite high on all shots. I was in a fairly dark room, with off camera flash being triggered.
Without trying to be offensive, these are typical and boring. There is much more to be discovered by the simple water drop. See here , here and here.
they look pretty noisey. but they are prety cool too! i'd like to try this. what lens did you use?

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