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First attempt at film photography


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Jun 25, 2007
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Memphis, TN
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Here are some shots from my first roll of film, 120 film to be exact. I just picked up a Yashica-A medium format camera off of Ebay and I did a little experimenting with it. Nothing too special, just thought I would share... remember, it is my first roll. But be on the lookout for more pics to come. But anyways, here are the shots....






They all seem just general runabout shots to me, I didn't find anything in any of the photos. With the exception of #1 if there was a greater depth of field, because there is nothing of interst in focus.

The second last photo is the kind of shot I would like. I think it is overexposed, but I reckon if it was shot right and wasn't cropped, I'd like it. Very similar to a photo of Pete Murray, Australian singer, it works well, if done right in profile view.
I really like these! Film photography is tough, and I give props to anyone who can pull it off well. I'd have to say that the second-to-last is my favourite, and I don't mind if the sky is a bit over-exposed, because the colouring of the main subject is right on the mark. Nice work
I really like these! Film photography is tough, and I give props to anyone who can pull it off well. I'd have to say that the second-to-last is my favourite, and I don't mind if the sky is a bit over-exposed, because the colouring of the main subject is right on the mark. Nice work


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